Friday, July 27, 2012

How to bring more traffic to your website

One who creates website or blogs, knows the importance of traffic and the creator is hungry for more and more traffic. There is a simple equation that all follow. That is , more traffic = more money.

Bring traffic and make more money online or by making blogs or websites. All others are finding some solutions as to "how to bring traffic to the website or blog?". They use ways such as google adsense, Pay per click advertising, blog commenting, etc. Also they use Social Media Marketing for doing so.

" Are There Any Secrets Left To Generating Traffic? "


Lets see how. 

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  1. Pay per click advertising 
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  4. How To Make Use Of Other People’s Mailing List To Generate UNLIMITED Traffic To YOUR Site Without Having To DO-IT-YOURSELF
  5. Learn Secret Techniques To Driving Massive Traffic and Earning Massive Income At The Same Time
  6. 16 Social Marketing Techniques to REEL In Hundreds Of Visitors Into Your Site EVERY SINGLE DAY
  7. How To Use A Forum To Generate Traffic THE RIGHT WAY
  8. Article Marketing
  9. The NUMBER ONE Plugin You Definitely NEED TO HAVE! Search Engine Optimization Has Never Been So Easy…
  10. Tweeting Your Way To Massive Traffic Flood
  11. Social Marketing Success Exposed: The 3 MUST GO Websites To Set Up Your Own Network  
  12. Video Marketing Is One Of The BEST Techniques In Generating Traffic…
  13. Discover The FIVE Must-Use Widgets

And many more............................................

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How to : Access Gmail from Facebook

Face-book users... just have a look at this amazing feature. As many use face-book for different reasons, almost all access g-mail from or . 

There is an amazing feature of Facebook that allows the users to access G-MAIL from face-book itself. One of the most useful and simple feature of Facebook is, the you can easily access your G-mail account from your Facebook account. There is a service called F-mail in Facebook, through which you can access your G-mail account.

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work
, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends. 

The application, FMAIL is a face-book feature that allows you to check your g-mail account from your face-book account.  F-mail will be adding some more integration with other aspects of your Facebook account in the near future.

Learn to Manage your own Facebook Fan Page  

Monday, July 23, 2012

HOW TO: Hide Status Updates From Certain People

As Facebook is all-rounder and have connected most of the people around the world. The users at the other end may be unknown to you. Sometimes you might want to show your status update only to some friends and not to all. Then there is a trick .

 Apply the setting to your face-book now:

 1. Hit "Account" option, which is found on the top right of a face-book page. 
 2. Select the options like everyone or just friends or friends of friends, etc. 
Alternatively, you can select specific friend lists to see your status (work, special interest groups, etc.) or even individual people by name, which is useful for anyone organizing a surprise party.

To take advantage of these options, click the icon just below your "what's on your mind" box on your wall and a drop down menu should appear. Selecting "customize" will bring up more options such as "make this visible to" and "hide from" with the option to make your selection a default.

Facebook related videos. 

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You will get Visual Step-By-Step Guides on how to advertise on Facebook plus how to create Facebook Business Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook News Feeds, Custom Landing Pages and much more.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

HOW TO: Add a Dislike Option to Your Status Update

Facebook is today's trend where many people are connected to each other and know the status . The old friends who are not in contact can get connected through the use of Facebook. Facebook also gives an opportunity to build pages , like some images and thoughts, express your thoughts, chat with your friends, upload and show to your photos to your near and dear ones, advertise your products,etc. 

Even many business people are promoting their products online with the most use of FACEBOOK.

When "Facebook" comes in mind, the word "like" strikes automatically. There are like buttons available everywhere in websites to make others know and to share with them.

In this article, lets find out how to add a "Dislike" option to your status update.

You know that when you post something on the facebook, or update your status , there is a possibility of your friends "disliking" it. But there is no fun in this.

The clever Status Magic Facebook application can add a "dislike" button to any status updates posted. If you wanted to really mix it up you can actually customize the second emotion to anything, such as "love," "hate," "disagree" or even "LOLs."