Thursday, August 16, 2012

Facebook - Ad money , Add money !!!!

How to become a reseller in the world of social media marketing, like Face-book, etc. This is a very great opportunity to earn from Face-book . There are many applications that are available . But some work and some don't.

12 Month License to Our Exclusive Fan Reviews Facebook App.

What you get?

  •  How to create and set up a Facebook page correctly
  •  Simple steps to optimize your Facebook page and start getting "likes"
  •  5 biggest mistakes being made on social media and how to avoid them
  • How to manage your social media in less than 5 minutes per day

How to prevent someone from hacking your Facebook password

Face-book now-a-days has become more and more popular. Its popularity has made millions of businessmen earn profits and advertise on the face-book as they know there is sure profits here.

What everyone wants if he or she is a businessman , is more and more viewers and more and more profits from that. The viewers then change to likes and likes may convert into buying the product on face-book. This goes on and hence there is a possibility of anyone hacking the profile or id or password, whatever. Think of how to keep it secured and not to be available to anyone on net.

  • Remove anything that is not correct. This could mean wall posts, images, or status's.
  • If anyone harasses you on Facebook Chat, then go offline.
  • If anyone is continuously harassing you, messaging you that is inappropriate , you can remove them off your friend list . Just block them.
  • Never add any friend requests that you do not know, 
  • Don't display your year of birth. It slightly helps improve security settings and prevent identity theft.
  • If you see any inappropriate images or comments then e-mail Facebook at
  • If your child is on Facebook and are under 13, monitor them weekly to see whats happening and make sure your child has all the safety equipment on.

How to find who deleted/Unfriended you on facebook?



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Facebook killer trick : How to find your facebook Account ID?

Do you know , how to get your facebook account id? Dear Facebook users, this is an awesome way out to find out your account id. 

Now , before we move, lets find out what is a facebook account id. Each user is unique and has an unique id in facebook. A facebook account id is the system generated numbers that is unique. It is automatically created when you create your face-book account. This is uniquely stored in the server. It identifies the name of the user. This id is shown in the url of the facebook account when you log in the website.

The ways that you can use to find out the unique face book account id are: 

  1. Just simple way. In your web-browser type an address "" and you will see the string "id": "XXXXXXX"
    XXXXXXX - is Facebook account ID.  
  2. In your Face-book profile page. Have a look at the address bar or the URL in the browser. It displays in this manner, "" The "XXXXXXX" is your unique account id. 
  3. There is one more way out, just try this awesome way out. You will love it. Just type "http://" in your web browser. You will get directed to this website and here you can click on "Find out how". Then you will have to login to your account and the result gets displayed, showing "Your Facebook User ID is:XXXXXXXXXXXXX".

Friday, August 3, 2012

HOW TO: Have Fun With Facebook's Language

Facebook has many options that can be used to make your profile look best and some features that can be used to keep private and confidential.

One of the features of face-book, setting the language, the website offers a couple of fun linguistic Easter eggs. By default the language is ENGLISH, but if you want to change the language , you can do it.

Choose Facebook display upside down English, or, for anyone feeling a little salty, in "pirate."
Pirate essentially turns your status into your "plank," attachments changes to "loot" and instead of "share" it has the option to "blabber t' yer mates."
Sadly, anything you type in the status bar won't be upside down, or pirate-y. But with the use of some external sites you can achieve the same effect.

Social What Why How: Practical and Usable Social Media Tips and Tricks: Social What Why How is a practical how-to, tips and tricks book that will answer many of your real-life social questions. - Is Social Media really important for me and my business? - What is the real value of Facebook for me? - What are Twitter Hastags (#) and why do I need them? - How does Google+ compare to Facebook? - How do I use Tumblr? - Is it easy to build and maintain a blog? and much, much more!