Monday, April 28, 2014

How to Delete Facebook Account 2014

Delete Facebook Account in a few minutes now very easy, if you need this than today we are sharing with you one of important tricks for How to Delete Facebook Account 2014, Actually that it is very simple but many people don't know right way fa delete Facebook personal account easily. Facebook is the one of most popular social networking sites,  Its having billion active users,  Every day thousand people are connecting to this social site,  So its very fast growing site, Some are using this social for increasing friends and some are used for business purposes, Some are used for both propose, Actually this social site giving many facilities like increasing business page traffic, advertising, and target friends and many more.

Why People wanna deletes Facebook

Most new users don't about this social site, Its give us new world wide friends, help us to promote online business, and many like that, but its had something, bad things also, it's taking our expensive time daily, its like drug Addiction, One person is creating a Facebook they effected by its daily using Addiction. So they lost there useful time every day. So I think it's one of the most reason for deleting,
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How to Delete Facebook Account 2014 image picture

How Many Way for Delete Facebook account?

If you are thinking that how can i delete my personal fb than its answer is, There are many ways to delete a fb account, We can delete our personal fb account using many ways, some sites also giving this service, and another is a official method, I suggest you to use official method for deleting a fb account, If you are using third party site or app for this may be they will use your account without informing you,

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Right way for deleting a my Facebook account?

Delete a fb account is very easy, But we are talking some things which can  important for you before delete your personal account., If are you using this this social account for many days or you are using its many features than you must know some things before remove your account.  You must choose another admirer of your group, page apps and many other things, after  deleting you will lose
 These things also, so you must do that.

  • Make your group Admire to Another.
  • Make your Page Admire to Another
  • Make your Apps Admire to Another.

Official way For Delete Facebook Account 2014

Deleting Facebook is so easy, but after deleting its take some days for removing all history from this social site, You can recover your again in fix days, I have no more information about this but in 45 days you can recover your Facebook account again. You can remove your  Facebook and many online account using others apps or sites which are providing this service,  but I suggest you to use its official method,

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How can I delete My Facebook Account by Official Method.

  • After going there you will see like below screen shot,

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever image picture

  • Now just click on Delete option.

  • After this there is appear Popup Box for captcha and for a password.

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever image picture

  • Now simple is filling up your password and captcha and click on okay.

  • Now you had forgotten this forever if you will log in again it will recover.

This a simple and easy tutorial, I am trying to share all complete steps, If you have any suggestion about this article you can comment below, May be its also useful for your friends, please share this with your friends, If you have any question about this method you can comment below, we will reply as well as soon, Thanks for the visit and keep it for more new tips and tricks and latest update of this social site.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

New Top Free 10 Facebook Apps for Business 2014

New Top Free 10 Facebook Apps for Business 2014 collection may be useful for your business and community page, you know that Facebook Application is really so attractive part of this social site, You will search on net New Top Free 10 Facebook Apps 2014 then you will see many, We can use them, Some are free and some are premium, but if are you new on this social site then its very difficult that which is best and top apps for your business page, Don't worry we are giving you the biggest collection of New Top Free 10 Facebook Apps for Business 2014. This list not fix may be new application will appear in the next day so always trying to get new, Because every new things give us something more features, All are better for your business page, You can use them easily just install and enjoy.

What is in Best Facebook Apps?

Every one knows there are many collections of free Facebook apps, But first you must identify that which is best for your business page or personal page, Best is contained many features like easy loading, easy customize, user friendly navigation, simple coding, No more extra work need, contain all features which page needed. There are many, but these are some simple and useful features which must know before use any on Facebook business page.

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Top 10 Facebook Apps 2014

Below all apps are different, but mostly similar, Every one have a specialty, Like welcome page appears, you tube, Twitter, Google plus,landing page application and many more, Just open any of these required apps and click on install, Just choose your required page and install it, After installation just edit or customize that, If you don't know more about customization than just click on help and watch there related tutorial, Most apps have video tutorials also, Than lets come to the point and get it one by one for better success on business. Keep exploring our blog for new tips for business.

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Best Most used Facebook application 2014

In this collection i am trying to add more of welcome tab apps, As my experience you must use a welcome page apps, below, to share all apps may be free, just install and enjoy, I am sharing with four welcome page apps, You can choose the best for you, Some another like bold text generator also attractive but not necessary, You can select as your choice.

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Final words on Top Free Facebook Apps

Guys these all collections of the popularity of Facebook applications we are getting from many sources like as our experience, some most popular review, most famous pages and many more, If you have any suggestion about this article you you can ask us, If you like this article or you have any issue or question, please comment below, You can share this article with your friends, May be this is also useful for your fans, Thanks for the visit and keep it.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How To Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014

Animated GIF Picture is the biggest attraction of Facebook, but many people don't know how to post or share it, After many day we are sharing new latest working tricks for How To Post Share Animated GIF Picture On Facebook 2014 on Page, Group, motion picture easily. Your Facebook timeline and much more. Our last all Video tutorials on post animated moving image, picture on Facebook also on top, but after many days Facebook engineer are blocked that method so they are not working but its new and latest method working everywhere in the world,  Facebook engineer always trying to block like this type method which fb not provide officially, But people are more advance they provide new ideas and method for post animated funny moving image, it's very attractive, You can enjoy this.
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Why I or You can't Upload Animation GIF Easily on Facebook?

Animated moving picture is an awesome also so attractive trick on fb, This social site is not allowed posting animated moving picture on your wall because this take high data of internet means, Its also increasing loading speed of fb, There are many social site in the world, But fb is now top, Because its give you more features with fast loading, Google plus also a better social site but that is very slow, Because it provides many feature like GIF  by that it is heavy, and fb is don't wanna like this type picture and method.

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How to post animated Gif Picture on Facebook

How To Share animated GIF Picture on Facebook fan Page

Now top everyone wanna get too fast fb fan page or business page likes, But its very hard  because everyone enjoying this social sites, More people have five to six fan pages, So getting likes too hard, but follow some tips and tricks you can get likes also, For this share something unique things on your page, and on fb Animated GIF or moving picture is really unique thing, Every one wanna share animated funny moving photo or image on their page, By moving picture people more attracting and they get more likes on related fan page. 

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Video For  Upload Funny Animated Moving Image on Facebook wall

If you wanna note your present on fb then you must share something new and also something different on your wall,  fb have billions active user every one every second posting something, But people, which have something new, ideas they get more likes, the Facebook motion picture also a new thing on this social site, You can post this using our method also, You can see our YouTube Video tutorial also, Using this you can understand better.

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YouTube Video

How To Post Animation On Facebook Timeline Page Group 2014

Let's come to the topic, This trick may be working for a limited time, But its good is using this you can share Animation on Group, You can upload Animation on Facebook Page and you can post Animation GIF moving picture on timeline also, We are giving you a complete method with the YouTube video tutorial, also many help full links and screen shot, Using that you can understand better, just follow all easy steps and do it.

Past Animated moving picture on Facebook 2014

First, you Must go to the Home page of  Pictures Of Hari Kishan.

Now, You will see many Animated GIF pictures there just click any of these.

After click just copy whole Animation moving picture's URL.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

Now go on the fb comment plugin page.

And past GIF Picture's whole URL with this.

Now Check on Also post on Facebook and click on the command.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

Now refresh your Timeline you will see an Animation.

That animation any one can't share so make its share able.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

Now copy that animation SHARE link past it on Notepad.

Now Get
Animation Picture Id using below screen shot.

Animation Picture Id =

Now Share Any Status update and click on share option.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

Now click on share then you will see pop up for a share.

Just right click on share image and open, inspect the element.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

You will see your Account Id, Just below you will see Picture id.

Post Share Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture

Just replace that picture Id here and you will see value 22 change it to 44.

Now click on Share and done, you can share it on Page, group and friends wall.

Final words

Guys, I am trying to share complete and step to step tutorial, If you will follow all steps you can do it very easily, If you have any question on this article you can comment below, May be its also useful for your friends, So please share this article using SEND button. Thanks for visiting our blog for more tutorials and tips keep visiting our site,

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How To Get More Facebook Followers 2014

Facebook followers is good attraction also best for getting popularity with friends, But its not easy to get, Most are searching for how to get it, Facebook is known by many things like followers,likes, comments and many more, Increase Facebook followers /Subscribers also useful things on Facebook, Today we are sharing with you  How To Get More Facebook Followers for business and also on your personal account, fb page known as there likes and big celebrity known as there Subscribers, So now every buddy trying to get fast and free Subscribers on this social site, Actually fb getting popular idea from others social sites like twitter,  Subscribers system first lunched by twitter like same fb also adopt that features and its also so liked by peoples.

What is Facebook Followers or Subscribers

Subscribers similar as page likes, Biggest popular celebrity like cricket players, politician, actor and actress are can't use personal account because in a personal account Fb give only five thousand friends, But we can increase unlimited Subscribers. Means its similar as fb page likes, Increase or getting fb friends is very easy, but increase or getting Fb Subscribers is very hard,

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 How To Get More Facebook Followers 2014 image photo

How To Increase Facebook Followers By Follow List

I think or as my experience for increase Facebook
Subscribers create a followers list is best method, I see many lists which have 200000 Subscribers, Just follow them and include more fans and done,  This is a fast and effective method, Just create a followers list just share it on many groups and on many accounts, Attract more friends on the list, If you don't know how to create a Facebook Subscribers list don't worry we  have the complete method on this just follow and do it.
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Some tips and Tricks for Increase Followers list.

If you wanna get more Facebook Subscribers for your personal account, then you must follow some tips and trick. Actually fb give us add as friends and follow option, When we removed add as friends, they must click on follow button, We can hide add as friends option, You can find the complete method for hiding the Add as a friends button. Also enable follow option in your fb account, Just read some useful tips and tricks for increase Subscribers.

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 How To Get More Facebook Followers 2014 image photo

  • Get Facebook Followers By Create List.

  • Enable Followers on your fb Profile.

  • Buy Followers by many sites which provide this.

  • Hide Add as Friends option in Your profile.

  • All tutorial you can see on high light links

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Final Words

There are many methods for increase Facebook followers, But as my experience these upper written are more popular and also highly effective, If you will try that you will get positive response, If you have any question about this article you can comment below, If you have any suggestion you can ask us, We are always trying to share something new and useful stuffs with our fans, So ask us feel free, Thanks for the visit and keep it, You can share this article using SEND option.

How to Use Facebook for Beginners Full Guide

Are you Facebook Beginners user than you first learn some basic things of this social site,  Facebook is first name on Internet but Newbie and dummies don't know about this social site,  Today i am trying to share complete step by step guide on How to Use Facebook for Beginners Full Guide,  Facebook is the biggest world wide social networking site,  Now days its top, He left all social networking site like Google plus, Twitter and many, Now its taking big amount of internet user, Every day Millions people login there account and using this, Here we can chat, send sms, video calling, php, update status and video, also photo sharing. Its navigation is very user friendly, but many people, which have recently created their account they don't know about this i will show some best guide which can help you to understand this social site.

What is Facebook and its use?

Facebook is the biggest social networking site,Mark Zuckerberg is founder of Facebook,  it's made from only some class mate, which can connect through the internet, But now it became very popular, Here we can enjoy many think, it's totally free, We can use it by internet data, Some mobile companies also providing the limited free Facebook offer on new phones also, Because everyone using this.

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Here some Feature which we can enjoy on Facebook

  • Share Status, Photo, Image.

  • Create Fan page for business.
  •  Create own application,

  • Promote your business,

  • Make Followers,

  • Chat with friends.

  • Video calls.

  • Create Note,

How to Use Facebook for Dummies 2014

Sign up New Account - If you wanna enjoy this social site then you must sign up on this social site, Its very easy,  first you need an email, Facebook is accept any type emails, but for better security i suggest you gmail.  Actually, many email service provider sites like yahoo, maybe delete your email without informing you, once my email also deleted by use gmail. After creating email just follow me.

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How to Use Facebook for Beginner image photo

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  • Now Enter First Name and Second Name.
  • Enter your email twice and enter password.
  • Password must use strong for better security.
  • Enter birthday, gender and enter the captcha.
  • Now click on the green sign up button and one.

How to Verify Email of Facebook

After creating successful your Facebook account, Facebook will send you a confirmation email. Many people tell me that I don't find the verification email in my inbox, but don't worry, there you will see a popup box for resend email just click on it, After getting emails just click on the confirmation email and done, Now you will not see confirm email pop up massage,

How to Fill Facebook About me Option.

After creating an account, you must fill all your information.  There are many information in the about me section request like your profile picture, Timeline Picture, Your Interest, Relation, Home town, Education, Job, If you have a Facebook fan page than you can also put that page on job title if he is your job, You can also add your best lines, your quotes, put your religion, and many which you will see when you explore them.
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How to Use Facebook for Beginner image photo

  • First, click opens your  Home page.

  • To update you all information Click on Update Info.

  • If you wanna Change picture click on picture and upload it.

  • If you wanna change timeline picture just click on setting gear.

  • Now upload your best timeline picture and position it and done.

  • Click on about option for adding your complete information.

  • Just edit all information and fill it, after fill saves it and done.

  • For Create Group - If you wanna create a group then click on Create a Group.

Note - If You wanna Know Any Stuff Just Comment Below we will Inform you.

Final Words

There are many options and setting which we can share in an article, Its simple, quick article, But if you need more you can watch our related tutorials, If you have any question related to this social site you can comment below, We will sure reply your answer as well as soon, Thanks for visit our blog for more keep exploring this site, Thank you

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Top Best Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses

Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses grow up is first need, so if you wanna increase you business too fast than you must follow that, Today we are trying to share some best world wide also effective Top Best Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses, Using that you can get more success in your online marketing business, There are no doubt that social sites are popular plate for for promote your online business, In the past or few year ago its not big part of spread your business, But now online business marketing is first choice or best method for get success, Marketing is the biggest platform for work, If you wanna really high response in every filed of online marketing than you must know all Facebook marketing Strategies for Businesses for better success, There are many for get high success but i am talking some more important which can help in your online marketing.

Why Facebook is better for Online Business Marketing?

I am always trying to share step to step guide on the topic, According to topic this question is really best and also appearing that why you must use the Facebook social site for online business marketing, Actually, now time of social sites, If you note than you will see that most world top sites are social sites, Facebook is the really in top in social sites, Its have the biggest amount of users,  Its most users are returning, Its worldwide site, You can target your business everywhere in the world. Its give you many advertising tool which can help you with the best investment for better result.

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Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses image Photo

Some top Facebook Marketing Strategies Businesses

Create a Facebook Business Page For Connect With Customers - Facebook Business page is mots required for grow up your online marketing using Facebook, Without fan page you can get more success, Make a Business page is so easy you can make it in few minutes, But first impression is last impression so make a best and professional Facebook Business page, Simple Facebook page not required more things but for online marketing or your for your product its need all like, apps, likes, new updates, daily updates, Daily sharing Connect with user, Reply customer issue and many which i will trying to share in below article.

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Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses image Photo

Choose Keyword Page name with Vanity URL for best marketing strategy

For better success you must use a keyword Facebook Marketing Business page name for your product, If your product is related to health and your page keyword like a tech than its not help to grow up, Also not better for getting more traffic, So trying use the best product keyword in the name, For best result you must use a keyword vanity URL. When name and vanity URL related to your online marketing keyword it will give you more success.

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Make the landing page for Better Facebook marketing strategy

The first impression is the last impression, So if you wanna attractive look for your page then you must create a welcome page for your fan page, Actually, welcome page will give your customers  a product touch,  Your customer will think that it's better for me, There are many Welcome or landing page appsUsing that you can create a very attractive welcome page, it's no needs more knowledge, but it gives you the professional look.

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Facebook marketing strategy for Businesses image Photo

Connect Your page to Others Social Media using Apps

Now most biggest and popular social media sites are connecting applications, You can also use them, I am giving you a example that you are often seeing that share via Twitter, Means Like if you will share your product, update on Twitter, it will also share by apps on Facebook, It will also give you twitter followers winch connected to you by your page.

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Always Update your fan Page with New Features of  Product

Now days getting  costumer is so hard, because online marketing competition is so high, If you wanna grebe costumers than you must give something new and attractive bonus on your product, When you will update new costumers friendly announce on your page, Using this your returning costumers will increasing. 

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Use Facebook Advertisement program for Promote Your Business

Get faster costumers without doing no more than you must try Facebook Ads, Using this you can target your audience or customers anywhere in the worlds. Because its a world wide social site, There are many tools which providing by Facebook, Adwords, Using that you can see a real impression of your ads also.

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Share New Video and Images of your Product

Stopping people so hard, If you wanna notice your product on online then you must share something new and attractive,  Status update are every one sharing but for get more attention you should use video,

Final Words

There are many Facebook marketing strategies for Businesses which can help you to promote your online marketing business,  I was trying to share some most effective things which may help you, If you have any  question on this article, please comment below, If you have any new suggestion which may be also useful for our visitors you can suggest us.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to get Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook

Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook is best trick for a website which is recently started, Today we are sharing with you some important tips and tricks for get big percentage of traffic using Facebook account and page, which is How to get Blog site Traffic from Facebook,  Every buddy know that Facebook is the best place for get high traffic without hard work, here you can grab targeted traffic using many features of this social site, Now Google is  very advance also all developer to advance so competition is so increased, So every one wanna use easy tips for get high traffic using social sites like Facebook, twitter, Google plus and many more, I have some ideas for you using that you can use them for better seo, All these traffic which we will get using this social account also safe according to Alexa rank and Google Adsense so use its freely.

Why You must Get Traffic Using Facebook For your Website or Blog

Actually, many people  know more try on social sites, Because most people don't know that we can get 20% traffic using this social site, Few months be before we also not trying on this, But after using some tool we get a hug blog traffic using  this social site, In Alexa scan report, we note that its give us, very supportive blog traffic also it can help in Increase Alexa Rank, You can see our blog Report in below image,

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get Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook image photo

Top Best Way For Increase  Blog Site Traffic Using Social site 

Getting Blog Traffic using Facebook its something different, Get Page view for your blog is possible using three ways, One is the best ways is get an audience by search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo or any others, and second by Social media, and last is getting direct traffic,  Big website like  twitter is getting  90% traffic by direct,  But if are you new then getting Site traffic using social sites is best ways for newbie. It can support your site for good traffic without no more work.

get Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook image photo

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Killer Tricks To get site  Traffic pageview Though Facebook

There are many tricks for getting a blog or website traffic using social site, but, I am giving you a really so killer trick for this, Juts create a Page, and Group, Get likes on your page and add more friends in your Group Then, Just  share your update using DLVR.IT, It will automatically; share your blog blog on your group, Accounts and on page, You  can connect more accounts and you can get more pageview daily, Its very fast your update will share on your accounts in hour.

get Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook image photo

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How to get Increase Blog website Traffic from Facebook

Its a best way and also the professional way to get preview for your blog, First you must create a better page, If you are using a page for your site or blog, You must add a Facebook like a box in your  blogger or you can use a Facebook popup Like box its give you more likes to. When any person which  like your page he will connect with your site updates, If he/she will like  your site's any article that  person surely visit your blog.

Visit For - How to Add Facebook Comments System in Blogger

How To Get Traffic Using Facebook Personal account

Getting Big Traffic from Your Facebook personal account also best way, Just connect your Facebook account using, and share your site updates on many accounts, You can create more account, Just make five thousand friends, If you have big amount of active friends than it will also give you more page view, So for this you must always try to get connected more peoples.

How To get Big Traffic using a Facebook Group For Your Blog and Site

No More people try this trick, but i think as my knowledge and e experience Facebook group also a better way to get a big amount page view of your site,  First you must create a Facebook group on your site name, Our Facebook Group name is New Facebook Tips Tricks. Now add your all friends in your group and you can get also help in getting friends in your group with your friends. too.  Just share your updates there and get positive re result.

Final words

This is a our personal experience, You can use this for better SEO,  If are you new it will help you for the increase URL rank, it's also better and supportive way to increase your page rank, Because social sharing is the most effective way to get or increase page rank, If you have any question about this article please comment below, We will reply as well as soon,

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to make Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photo

If you wanna create Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photo without any software and application, than you follow our this useful trick, Which give you unbelievable result, Today we are sharing with you a Facebook secret trick for make create a awesome attractive cool Facebook timeline cover photo image picture without Photoshop or any software, You can make a stylish and more attractive cover using this trick easily,  On this social site more people trying to attract on there own profile  or status update, Means if you have something unique on your fb account then people will notice this thing, Using that you can get more likes on you fb status update,  picture and on many things. Than you first make your account something different for attract more peoples on your profile.

How can i Make My Facebook Something different

If you are thinking to make your profile something more attractive, then you can follow many things, There are many ways fro make your fb timeline something more attractive, You can start by stylish name, attractive cover, cool, status update, by stylish text share, Also, using something new latest tricks which more people don't know, I am also giving you some tips link on this article you can follow them also.

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How to make Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photo image photo

How Create Stylish cool Facebook Cover Without Photoshop

Photoshop is the one of the best software for making any cool, awesome, attractive Facebook cover, But it's so hard for newbie friends, If are not professional you can't make like these type attractive Facebook timeline covers easily, But don't worry, This trick doesn't need Photoshop, You can do it without Photoshop and you no need any other application for this, Really its something advance and more easy.

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Video Tutorial To Make Attractive Facebook Timeline cover Without Photoshop

This is a very easy tutorial, We are trying to share with complete steps, If you enable to understand this tutorial, then you can also visit or get our YouTube video tutorial for this, May be its help you more,  I hope to use this you can Do it very easily.

Video Tutorials

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Make Facebook timeline Cool Attractive and Awesome

  • First, you Must login in Your Facebook account.

  • Now Just go on your Homepage like my Mahendra.

  • Now Open Your Computer's snipping Tool.

How to make Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photo image photo

  • Now Select One Corner to Second Fix Corner.

  • Now simply  Save this snap on your computer.

  • Now Upload That screen shot on the Timeline.

How to make Awesome Facebook Timeline Cover Photo image photo

  • Now Again Capture a Screen shot with the same margin.

  • Now Again, upload this Snip to cover.

  • Just Try this five time and done.

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Final Words

Guys, this is a really awesome trick, You can do this without Photoshop, If you got any problem you can use YouTube video Tutorial for this, If you have any question please ask us, In next tutorial we will share about Facebook page cover, Like some, but more attractive, Thanks for visit our blog, You can share this article with your friends may be they also need this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How to Write Urdu on Facebook wall Name Language

Write Urdu on Facebook wall  is no more difficult, If you know some easy tricks you can do it very easily, For this today we are giving you with a simple but most attractive trick for How to Write Urdu on Facebook wall Name Language, Facebook is world wide social site, This popular social site is supporting many language, Its default language is US English, But most people are wanna enjoy this using there local language like Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and many like this,English is international language, But  Every one Love There local language, Urdu is national language of Pakistan, Its also big country of Asia and as a fb users its biggest country,  This tips also useful for Pak users,

How Can I wright On Facebook Using Urdu Language

Every one loves their own country and every one also like to promote their countries things and cultural things, Language are a real pest of any country's culture, Me from India Me also trying to share many times in Hindi Language, As our site fully promoting only fb related things or tips tricks and tutorial, so many mine Park and Indian friends requesting to me forgive a simple trick for Share status update in Urdu Language.

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How to Write Urdu on Facebook wall Name Language image

How to write name on Facebook in Urdu

Today internet is really so advance, Every day launching new and something more special tool for Write in any language, Now we can learn any language online easily, If you will search on Online Urdu Writer tool, then you will see thousand collection, Many people also trying to add their name in Urdu on Facebook profile, It's very easy first you must write your name in Urdu language and post it on name option, Facebook will accept your name, then save it and done,

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Now Wright Your Status in Urdu Language on Facebook

  • This is simple online tool Providing By Google.

  • First, you Must login with Your Facebook Account.

  • Now write your word in Urdu and get it.

  • Just Copy your status and share on it.

  • Its done, enjoy Urdu on Facebook.

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Final words

Guys actually we don't know more tools for this, If you have any suggestion for these type online tools you can suggest us, Sure, we will add in our article, May be you suggested also better for many users, Please share this article with your friends using below SEND  button, May be its also useful for fro your friends. Thanks for visiting our Blog and keep it,