Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How to Earn Money Using Facebook Without Invest 2015

How to Earn money using Facebook without invest any money online tips and tricks may be very useful for, people who wanna earn money online without investing any money.  Facebook is biggest social networking site, Its world wide social networking site which getting best place in top five sites list from last few years,  So its give many opportunity to peoples for earn more money without invest any extra money, Means you can start earning only with a internet connection,

As you know now days online earning is really amazing business, Now days people are going more professional in this field, So you can say it in the future more people choose online marketing and online earning courses, We also earning good money without investing any extra money without internet bills, So you can also get this if you are user of daily Facebook and you have more knowledge about this social networking site.

Don't Miss -  How Facebook Makes Money From Users likes and by Ads

How to Earn Money Using Facebook Without Invest Money image photo

How Can I Earn Money Using Facebook account

This question is thinking many Facebook and also many internet users, which wanna earn money online. You know that now days many people are earning more money using online stuffs, There are many ways of earning online without invest any money like blogging, data entry, marketing, social marketing, email marketing and also many other ways, If you have good knowledge on internet then you can get also earn more money without invest any money.

Similar like that you can earn using a personal account, You know that now days social media sites are more popular everywhere in the world, and Fb is top one Social media site, You can use it for many ways like making friends, photo and video sharing, Chat, for a page, Business promotions. So if you have good knowledge, then you can earn using this social networking site using our some below methods.

Get -  Complete Facebook Page Verification Detail with setup to Send 2015

How to make Money Using Facebook Without Invest Money image photo

How To Earn using Facebook Page Without Invest Money

The Facebook page is most power platform for earn money, As you know that on Facebook account, you can add only five thousand friends, After then you can add more followers but on Facebook page you can get more likes also world wide,  If you don't know then i wanna say you that now days most business companies are trying to to promote there business online by Facebook page.

If you have a high amount liked Facebook page 100k to 200k then its very helping to earn money, Just give page promotion or product promotion update on your page and also add some description about sponsors post and give a contact number for contact any sponsors for you page, Always make your page ready and clean. Clean means don't share any out category post on your page,  and also avoid spam post on your page, For better always avoid fake likes on your page.

Increase Five Star Rating and Talking about this on your page

If you need more sponsors for earn more money using your page then, you must get five star rating on your Facebook page and talking about this of your page, Talking about this showing right popularity about a page, because now every one can buy fake likes but talking about this not buying, Its real fan of  any page. If you don't know about  How to Increase  talking about this after then just follow our complete article.

Always make your Facebook page alive, I means to say active, Reply your fans comments and massages, and trying to make you page more unique and trying to make something niche topic, you know niche topic getting more sponsor now days. There are many things for earn money using Facebook, but its most popular.

How to Earn or Make Money Using Facebook Account

Yes you can also make money using your Facebook account, but its very difficult. For make money using Facebook account need more friends, but Facebook  giving only five thousand for a profile, So its difficult to promote any product though one account, But if you have more subscribers more then 500k then its can help to get any sponsor. So trying to make more subscribers and attract an sponsor for promote their business though your profile.

You can also make money using your apps. make a Facebook app useful or attractive which can give something new info about any users. Like some apps giving top massaging friends, Some are giving top liked friends info. Its can help also to grab more sponsor if that app have more popularity.

How to make Money using Facebook groups

For this you mus create a biggest group more then above 500k member. If you have biggest group then its giving many chance to attract advertiser, You can PIN you sponsor product article in your group, It will give that advertiser more visitor.

YouTube Video tutorial For Make or Earn using Facebook

There are many ways for earn online or earn money using Facebook account, page and also other. We shared some of most popular which can give you fast and more positive result. if you have any tips for this then just suggest us.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures For Increase more Likes

Funny Facebook Pictures is very useful for Increase subscribers, Followers on Facebook Profile and also Increase Likes on Facebook. So today we are talking about top 10 also most most funny  Facebook Pictures or images which most liked and shared by peoples. As you know that that top 10 every thing like actor, schools, man, or popular any not fix, It's time to time updating, So we can tell you that it's did not fix but Its also attractive for share on your wall for getting more attraction on your Account.

Don't Miss - Top 10 Most Liked Facebook Pages 2014 in the World

As you know that now days social sites are participating in every field of marketing, personal life. And also in many fields. Actually, now most people connected to social networking sites, Here people are sharing many things, but knowing for share Top 10 Facebook Images is very useful and also can help you to get more impressions, There are many images which we can see on this social site. Always people trying to share something new. Today we are giving you world Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures

How To get More Likes by Share Funny Facebook Pictures

As you know that social sites are now days very popular, Here people can shared everything which are socials, There are many special networking sites like twitter, Google plus, Facebook and also many others. People are daily sharing here their Best Facebook status, Top cute images, funny pictures, funny videos, many sad and funny notes, special events and also many things which can share on Facebook. So every second many thousand people are sharing their updates,

Every one wanna increase more impressions on their updates. But with high amount of updates getting likes is too difficult. But share something new and also more different picture which can give you more likes, Actually something unique things most likes on this social site., If you share similar things than people not attract, But if you will share something unique than sure people will attract on your update. and that will give you positive result.

World Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures 2015

Selecting top 10 funny picture not easy for every one, Here we are these pictures which we was share on our timeline and our page which was getting high amount of likes i means to say, We sharing these top funny picture which was get above five thousands likes. So  we are sure that you will get more likes on these top 10 funny pictures. All are most unique. Just share any one and trying to tag more different friends for spread you different image with more Facebook friends. Then just get any one top 10 funny Pictures and watch amazing result.

Do Something New

Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Funny Impression Of Boy

Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Wine For Mosquito

Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

More Secure

Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Hospital of Slipper

More top 10  Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Indicator for Turn left Right

More top 10  Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Girls and Boys friends

More top 10  Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Difference Boys and Girls Heart

Heart Funny Facebook Pictures photo image


logout Funny Facebook Pictures photo image

Copyright of Top 10 Funny Facebook Pictures 

These all picture we was getting many sources like Google images search, yahoo funny image search, Facebook pages and timeline and groups and many others, Because we are sharing top 10 funny picture which was get more likes, So we have not any copyright of any of these image, If you have any copyright issue, Then just ask us we will remove your image if you wanna remove that from our list.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Now SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features

I think everyone knows about SODA PDF 6 Software because it’s very popular software because this also gives you online PDF features which make your life easier in office platform. SODA PDF invented by LULU Software. LULU software is great software organizations which always focus on improvement in its Features. Before some days when I updated my premiumSODA PDF 6 software, I was shocked seeing advanced features which are not available in previous version. Under this post”Now SODA PDF in new Look with Advanced Features” I am showing all updated features.If you don’t know still now about this software, this post will helpful to understand SODA PDF Software and services.

Now SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

Its gives you various suitable plans and each plan gives you unique features. LULU Software updates extra features in newly updated license. 

SODA PDF Features 

1) Open any PDF file, including comic books, with our free built-in PDF reader.

2)  Create PDF Form word, Excel, PowerPoint, image and 300+ file formats.

3)  Convert your PDF files to Word, Excel, HTML, .txt and images.

4)  Edit, Cut, Copy and add text in your documents.

5)  Insert images, links, headers, and footers to your documents.

6) Review, compare and annotate your documents with sticky notes, stamps, shapes and pencil tools.

7)  Secure forms your documents with passwords, permission levels and digital signatures.

8)  Create Forms from scratch or save, edit and fill pre designed ones.

9)  Turn any and text locked into its images into fully editable documents with our Optical Character Recognition OCR technology.

10)  Its Based on Modular Technology, we can extend this software features by help of module.

SODA PDF 7 Extra Advanced Features 

1) Cloud Access-Today mostly users used cloud service because this is very stable and portable resources for share your content. You can access your data anywhere without your devices. Soda PDF provide you cloud based services in newly updated version. You can save your document into its online space, Dropbox and OneDrive. 

Now SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

2) Now Convert your PDFs to PowerPoint along with other file Formats.

3) Do More with your Edit Module! Easily replace pages and extract images.

4) Insert Headers and Footers as well as watermark in your documents.

5) Drag and Drop Pages in your previewer to reorder your documents.

6) Redesign Installation Manager and core Engine Optimization.

7) IRIS OCR Technology-SODA PDF 7 utilizes the latest in IRIS Cannon technology to accurately recognize text hidden within images in your documents.

If you want to try this software you can use trial version. But under trial version you can use specific features. You can’t access advanced features. This offers various license plan and each plans gives you advanced features. Below you can get license plan information.

1) Business Edition 

Business edition SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

Business plan are based on business requirements. This package provides you OCR+PRO both package features. This is most complete license of SODAPDF software.

2) PRO+OCR Packages 
Pro + OCR SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

This is another important license. This also gives you PRO+OCR feature. It is helpful to automatic & manual recognition of text and supports large number of languages.

3) Professional Packages 

Also Visit  - Facebook Recruiting Process Complete Information

Profetional SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

This License holds various limited features. Under this license you can get create and convert pdf, edit text and image, secure your file with password and create form and templates and fill and save form.

4) Standard Package 

Standerd SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

Standard plan also have limited features. Standard plan gives you view create, convert  and Edit pdf service.

Comparison of Soda PDF Plans:-

Comparison SODA PDF In New Look With Advanced Features image photo

If you need more information about its many packages or planes then just see its official comparison review in above image, You can choose any one suitable standard, professional and pro+ OCR package, If you have any question about this software, than just ask us or visit official site of, Just get it and grow up your business thanks

Friday, October 3, 2014

Top 10 Facebook Images of The Year

Top 10 Facebook Images are not fix like Top 10 Best Facebook Profile Pictures For Men Boy , But we can give a world top most popular images of Facebook which most liked by Facebook users. As you know on the fb people like to get Free Facebook like. But Get More Comments on Facebook Photo not easy. But every wanna need it. Now days social media sites are more popular among the people,  You can see many survey of news magazines that most people are giving their busy time to social sites. Here we can share everything like status update, Photo, image or picture updates, videos, notes and also we can create events and many similar like this, But its main target get more people on their updates, Today we are talking about   this social networking site images, You know that Facebook images also most attraction of this social networking site, So sure you wanna also know about top 10 best Facebook images which most liked by peoples.

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Images ?

As you know social sites are sharing sites, Their we can share our feeling by status updates, picture or pictures updates and by videos. Here we can share funny and sad and any type things, But on every platform people wanna more likes and comments, But you know all social media sites including  this social networking site also very big. Here every second many thousands people are sharing their feeling by images and status updates, and you know every one wanna more likes. But we can see that some images are getting more likes and some are getting few impressions. Actually people wanna something unique and another latest trends and affairs photos are most likes, Here we are sharing some most popular photos which most popular now days than we can ay it that it will more liked by your friends. and you can get more likes.

Top 10 Facebook Images 2015

Once again we wanna also saying you that top 10  this social networking site photo are not fix, But we can give you a best list of top 10 photo, Their are many picture are getting more popularity among this social networking site's users, We just adding these pictures which we are often seeing on friends updates, and also getting more popularity by latest affairs, So we can say it that these pictures may take a best place in top 10 Facebook images list. Lets know about top 10 images of this social networking site.


Nymer top 10 Facebook Images photo

Honey Sing

Honey singh top 10 Facebook Images photo

Suny Leon

Suny Leon top 10 Facebook Images photo

Messi top 10 Facebook Images photo

Narender Modi

Modi top 10 Facebook Images photo


Obama top 10 Facebook Images photo

Salman Khan

Funny Boy

Funny Facebook Images photo

Windows 10

Window 10 Facebook Images photo

Imran Khan

Imran Khan Top 10 Facebook Images photo

Copyright Of Top 10 Facebook Pictures

Friends this collection we are included by many sources like this social networking site wall updates, friends album, groups, and many pages. So if you are copyright holder of any above image and you wanna remove it from this collection then, Just ask us by contact us, We will quickly remove your copyright image from our collection, If you have any suggestion of Top 10 Facebook Images, Then just ask us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Top 10 Facebook Pictures of The Year For Boost Likes

Facebook Pictures are biggest attraction of Facebook, Top 10 Popular Images for Facebook is not fix but best Facebook Pictures of 2015 knowing is very attracting because every one wanna share world best Facebook picture on their wall and on Fb page. You know that Top 10 Popular Images for Facebook is not fix,  But as popularity on Fb means most shared images on Fb today we are giving some of best photos which we are often seeing on Friends updates, Let's know more about top 10 pictures for get or increase comments and likes on Facebook and also free.

How To get More Likes on Facebook Pictures

As you know that social site is known by their related things like their followers, subscribers, Likes, twittes, circles and similar like that, So every social sites user trying to get more subscribers, likes, twittes and re twittes, also circles and related to their social site, Fb also a big and most popular social networking site, and its also a part of daily life, so every one wanna enjoy this. and also wanna more popularity, On this platform popularity showing by updates likes, photo likes, photo likes. So every one wanna get more likes on their photo updates, and you know getting more likes on photo, is not easy, But if you will share some thing unique pictures on Facebook then you will get more likes.  As you know that unique things more liked in the world, let's know about top 10 pictures.

Suny Leon

Sun Leon  top 10 Facebook image photo

Messi top 10 Facebook image photo

Narender Modi

Modi top 10 Facebook image photo

Obama top 10 Facebook image photo


Nemar top 10 Facebook image photo

Honey Sing

honey singh top 10 Facebook image photo

Salman Khan

Salman Khan top 10 Facebook image photo

Funny Boy
Funny black boy top 10 Facebook image photo

Tiger Kill
Tiger Kill top 10 Facebook Pictures

Imran Khan

Imran Khan K top 10 Facebook image photo

Top 10 Facebook Pictures of The Year 

On this social site every second many thousands images are sharing by peoples, All updater trying to get more comments and likes on these social networking site's images. But some photo are getting high likes and comments and some are getting low, Its also depend of that updater page likes and fb friends, But some are getting really more higher and also sharing most peoples, These photo are getting a best place in Top 10 Facebook photo of The Year, Here is these collection which most shared and most liked by peoples. Lets watch one by one and share any one images for get more likes.

Copyright Of Top 10 Facebook Pictures

Guys these all collection which we are sharing with you of Top 10 Facebook Pictures of the year, This all collection we are getting from many sources like this social site's  Page, groups, and friends Picture album, Just we are adding these images which getting or Facebook pictures which was get more likes on their update. So we have not Top 10 Facebook Pictures copyright, If you are copyright owner any of these images, and you wanna remove any one  image from this list, Then just ask by comment below or msg us, We will sure remove you picture quickly.