Thursday, October 17, 2013

Facebook trick to "Merge duplicate pages"

Do you own two or more Fan pages and are the admin of all of them? If the content is the same in all pages, then it is best to merge the pages in one single page where you can add new stuff and manage it. 

Managing two or more pages will be critical for you.

When you click on the "Pages" option at the left side of your Facebook News Feed screen, the list of pages that you are admin of are listed. They show when you have last updated and when you have used them.

Merging those pages which have the same topic and updates according to you. 
Before you merge the pages, some points should be kept in mind: 

  • You must be "Admin" of the pages that you are merging
  • The page which has more likes then that should be your main page which should not be merged. 
  • When you merge pages, the likes will also get merged in the new page
  • The content of page, like comments, photos, videos, images, etc which is going to be merged with other page which has most likes, will get lost and deleted.
  • After merging is done, unmerge  will not be possible. 

Steps to merge pages : 

  • Go to your Dashboard
  • Select Settings - Edit - Merge Pages
  • Click on "Request to merge duplicate pages" option
  • Check the box which says " I have read and understand the above information" 
  • Then choose the page you want to keep from the drop down box 
  • Check the box which says, " I understand that pages I merge must be about the same thing" option
  • Then click "Send" 

Note :  1. If your merging process is successful and if approved, Facebook will  contact you.
            2. Once done, cannot be undone

The merging of duplicate pages process is completed now.  See to it that you don't request for merging every now and then.

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