Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Get selected as "Fan of the Week" every week!

Have you ever thought of being recognized as "Fan of The Week" for any Fan Page? Well, for my blog's loyal fans, I have now started this feature recently for the fan page "Facebook tricks, tips, hacks and news" has started to do so.

Your name displayed on the fan page with the title "Fan of the Week".

Now you may be thinking that what actually is the use of this tag with your name displayed on the fan page!!! The reason behind is your name being flashed on the fan page on the basis of what you like and comment on the fan page. This will help you test your knowledge on how much you know about "Facebook". 

This is an app that will judge automatically the fans of the page. To get enrolled for this, you have to like the page, go through the posts and comment on the same.

There is no force on anyone to like or comment. Your comments should be natural.

So, get recognized as the winner of the "Fan of the Week" which will be selected every Friday and will be displayed on the fan page. 

Am proud to say that our first Fan of the Week is "Miller Finch"

On what basis is this selected: 
Truly speaking the amount of comments that you share with any post you like will be the main aspect where the "Fan of the Week" app will judge the visitor. 
So, every one is invited on the fan page. The name of the fan page is "Facebook tips, tricks, hacks and news".  

How To View Your Facebook Search History

Hello fans today we are Disqus about Facebook search history, Actually many people don't know about Facebook search history, If you wanna see that where is your fb search history, which you can view easily, Fb is a one of the biggest social site, Always people trying to know the new features of fb and tips and tricks, We are always trying to share something new and some best article for this social site, using search history you can view your all activity on Facebook like as what you search on fb, which group, page, activity log any more just in simple trick,

How To Delete Facebook Search History

If you wanna Delete from your fb history you can delete it,

First, you Must Login in Your Facebook account.

Now Go To Your Facebook Timeline. Now Click on Activity Log on left down side.

You May Like How to Hide Mutual Friends

How To View Your Facebook Search History image photo

After that you will be Redirected on  Activity Log Page.

Just Click on More and Select  HostsearchForums.

Visit For Top 10 Facebook Tips And Tricks

How To View Your Facebook Search History image photo

Just Delete or select Public to Only me Option and any.

Now your friends can't see you fb History.

Delete Facebook History in Google Chrome, Firefox

Many people also don't know that there internet search history also stored in their browser history, If you wanna some privacy for your history like what you search on fb, like friends, Groups, Page, and what you view and login activity and many more, If you wanna also delete this you can do it,

Google Chrome

Just Click on History on Right Top side.
Now Click on Clear History and Done.

Fire Fox

Just Click on Left side Firefox Button.
Now Just select History > Clear History.

How View  Facebook Search History

This same as the Delete method so watch also, that screen shot.

First, you Must Login in Your Facebook account.

Now Go To Your Facebook Timeline.

Now Click on Activity Log on left down side.

After that you will be Redirected on  Activity Log Page.

Just Click on More and Select  HostsearchForums.

There you will find all History.

Now its Done.

Final Words
This is updated and latest method, If you have any question, please comment below, we will sure give you a best answer, If you like this simple tutorial, please comment below to say thanks, For more latest Facebook Tips and Tricks Keep Visit our site, You can also request of any new trick of Facebook you can comment below for that. Thank you

How to Add reply button in facebook page comments 2014

Add reply button in Facebook page comments is really very attractive feature. Today we are sharing with you latest but very interning Facebook trick which called How to add How to Add reply button in Facebook page comments, I wanna say you again that now time of social sites, There are many social sites, All are famous in there region, Some are so popular means there visit or user comes from all around world. Facebook also a biggest social site, People always trying to search new attractive features and tips and tricks of Facebook, Like as our site domain we always trying to share something new on the Facebook,  I get many massage on our Facebook fan page for this article, So today we including this complete tutorial with YouTube video tutorial using that you can understand more, There are many Facebook Stylish Name  Text Generator you can use them also for more enjoy.

Add reply button in Facebook page comments 

Simply you can't get Facebook reply button on your Facebook timeline, wall or your Facebook page, But using this trick you can easily get this reply button, Its also a simple method no more required any extra script or Facebook reply button, Just follow us and get it, I know a another method using that you can also add reply button but that working using g some scripts, I mean that is not official so  that is not more useful for us. you may like Use Facebook Without Internet Free

How to Add reply button in facebook page comments image picture

How to Add reply button in Facebook photo status wall post

First you must Login in you facebook Account.

Now go on your Facebook Page Like Below Screen Shot.

Now click on setting option and scroll down.

Just Click on Allow to Reply to Comment on My Page.

Now you must select Allow to Reply to Comment on My Page.

How to Add reply button in facebook page comments image picture

And save it now check you will done.

Don't Forget How to Send Blank Massage on Facebook

Final Words

This is simple tutorial but updated method, There are many tutorial for this but mostly changed,  We are sharing a latest method for this 2014, Just follow and enjoy it, If you have any question on this please comment below, If you like this article please share this with you Friends, Thank you

Monday, December 30, 2013

How To Hide Mutual Friends on Facebook 2014

How To Hide Mutual Friends on Facebook many friends this trick and, So fans, today I wanna share with a useful privacy setting trick which called How To hide mutual friends on Facebook,  You know Facebook is the biggest social sites, every day many thousand people connected to this social site, In now days privacy setting is another and big issue for this user. If you follow some easy instruction you can set your privacy policy more effective, If you will notice than we watch any friend's name there also describe in short word like mutual friends, If we he hides our friend list from another, But by mutual friends its shown, It means our friend list is not fully hide, So if you wanna hide your all friends like friend list and also mutual friends than follow us.

You May Like How To send Blank message On Facebook

How to hide friends list on Facebook 2013 and 2014

Its a simple privacy setting, If you wanna more privacy than you can use this also, If you notice on Facebook that most people headed their friend list, Using this every one can't see our interest in friends and our private relationships with our friends, so If you wanna this privacy than just follow us.

Visit For -  Facebook Tips and Tricks

  • First, you must Logan in your Facebook Account.

  • Now click on Setting Button on Top Right side.

  • Now click on an Edit Privacy Setting tab.

How To hide mutual friends on Facebook image picture

How To hide mutual friends on Facebook image picture

  • Just Choose Friend list Public to Only Me.

  • Now Save it and its done.

Don't Forget to Visit Disable sending Massage from Non friends

Final Words

This is a simple fb trick, We are always trying to share something new and latest tricks of Facebook, If you wanna any new tips please comment below, we will sure post that related article in next some days, If you like this article, please comment below for say thanks, If have any question please comment below we will sure help you,Thanks for visit ......

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Facebook Halloween Emoticons Icons Latest 2014

Facebook Halloween Emoticons Icons attractive features of this social site, so Hello fans, Today we are sharing with you one of the most popular Facebook chat codes of Facebook Halloween Emoticons, Icons, If you explore our site, then you will find many type chat code for Facebook, We was also shared with your profile picture chat code generator also,  If you wanna know about fb chat code sticker you can also find that in our side, Facebook Halloween chat codes are the most popular smiley emotion of fb, There are many Facebook Halloween icons but I am sharing some of best icons which you may be like.

You May Likes  -  Facebook Chat Code Stickers

Facebook Halloween Icons

Facebook Halloween Emoticons Icons image photo

I am sharing with you all popular icons, Just copy icons using double click on our simple copy tool and send it to chat, After few movement there will show a funny icons, That you and your friends may like, Some older  browser may be not supported them, But mostly its working. So enjoy these funny and attractive icons.

Just Copy all and Past One by one as you like

Facebook Halloween Emoticons Icons image photo

Visit For Facebook Smiley Code Generator 

Final Words

Its simple code just copies all codeson notepad file, and save it on your computer for future use, Just send it on comment box wait for few movement watch results, I wanna also tell you that some browser has not supported this. If you like this article, please comment and share with your friends. Thanks you

Facebook Tips and Tricks 2014 Latest all are working

Facebook Tips and Tricks 2014 is fully updated, Today we are sharing with you a huge collection of new working latest Facebook tips and tricks of 2014 and 2013 and mostly working and popular tips of 2011 and 2012 all. That is  animated gif  posting, Page, Increase likes fast, Invite all friends on page like, add all fans by one click in the group, timeline and wall, Chat code sticker, new funny and emotions, awesome secret codes, some new features related fb to blogger, all type like box, many type name generator, stylish bold text for fb, Blue text, stylish name, Single name, change page name after name limit, emended video and post and many more you may like, I wanna say you many method of these we are tested, Some we are not tested so we don't know that they are working or not working, But working tips are so attractive. When you use, you may like that. Then follow our Facebook Tips and Tricks.

Facebook Tips and Tricks 2014

Facebook Tips and Tricks image photo picture

Trick For Create Single Name on Facebook

It's a very interesting trick, Actually fb not provide any to make a single name, Means single profile name without any nick and second name, When someone watches your single name they sure attract  to your name, So every one wanna create like that single name, But it's not easy,  But when you will follow our some easy steps you can do it, Just go and do it with simple method. Create single name.

Facebook Tips and Tricks image photo picture

How to Joint Facebook Profile Picture With cover

If you wanna create your fb timeline some stylish and more attractive from other then you must follow out this tutorial, You know we can't combine our timeline  cover picture with our profile picture, So when we see that is, look something different, But when we joint both pictures using our simple method its look so attractive, then just follow this . Joint Profile Picture With cover.

Trick for Tag All friends Using One Click

It's a very latest tips, Its most popular now time on fb, Using this you can easily tag you all fans in a click, Just go our this full article page and copy that script, Now just update your status and open it in a new window, Just press ctrl+Shif+J and click on console and past that script, Wait for few second, After few second you will find that you're all fans are tagged on your status, it's working on the Google Chrome browser, so you must try it on Google Chrome. Tag All friends Using One Click.

Tips and Trick for adding all Facebook friends in Group using one click

If you have many friends on fb and you recently created a group, then you must wanna add all your fans in the group, But fb provide a simple method for adding friends one by one using one click, If you wanna add your all friends in a click  so Go for best article for add all fans in groups in a Click

Trick and tips for post in all, Facebook Friends Group in one click

Its a simple and safe trick, If you wanna share in your all fb group  in a click then you must follow our this interesting tips, Its required a Gmail account, Just open your email account and loging it, Now click on compose Gmail, Just add your groups mail in send  option, Than wright your post or update and send its, After few second later you will find that your status will updated in all fb groups in a click, Its also official tips, Than go on share status on all fb groups in one click

Tips and tricks for inviting all Facebook friends for like a page

Its also interesting tricks for your business page, If you have recently created a fan page and you wanna invite your all friends for like your page, We can do it one by one without this method, But when you will follow this simple method you can able to invite your all friends in a click, There ar many scripts for this but its latest and updated script for invite all fan for like a page using one click.

How To Leave all Facebook Group in One click

This a simple method also more liked by many people, Actually, everyone can add us in a group, Always friends are creating new groups day by day it will increasing, Some are better for you, but some are not interesting, They called unwanted group, If you wanna leave your all groups in one click you can follow our this tutorial,  Just go for the best tutorial Leave all Facebook Group in One click.

Trick get a lot of Facebook friend request

It's also a simple but very interesting tips for fast increase your fb fan without getting blocked, You if we send, the more friend request then we will block for some days, If we send again more friend request then we will blocked for more  days, So it's not easy to increase your fan fast but you can do it, By follow some easier steps than you must go to Increase Friends fast without getting Blocked.

Tips and Tricks to Create make a Facebook Page clone

Its awesome tips, But i wanna say you, Sometime its working and some time its not working, Its work when you fully understand this tutorial and you will follow its fast, When you try this method slow, slow than its not work, If you wanna fan page clone than go to create a fan page clone.

How to Hid Invisible Facebook Page name

It's also an awesome tip of fb, We also tested this, Using this simple and easy tutorial you can also create a page without a name, If you don't believe in us, Just contact us we will give you an example for this. If you wanna hide you page name, then follow our How to invisible Fan page name.

How to Download Facebook Video
There are many methods to download any fb video, But we are sharing with you one of the best method which working in all browser, mobile, You can download any fb video without any software. So its best method for this. If you wanna test this method, then go to Download fb video easily.

Trick for create  Profile Picture Chat Code

If you wanna send your profile picture or any other picture using simple code than follow our this method, Using chat code you can send your picture very fast, Just go on our simple tool, Just generate your picture code and copy it and send it on chat. , Lets go for Chat code generator tool free.

Facebook Complete security

It's simple abut more useful tips for fb security,  Its simple instruction, If we follow we can secure our account easily, There are many articles on fb security, But I am sharing some tips for this like, Best passwords for fb and similar like that, If you wanna see this article then go for fb security ticks

Final Words

Hello fans, These Facebook tips and tricks mostly we are tested, All our latest, These all method is not provided by fb, So we are not responsible about any of these, Finally, if you have nay question or any tips not working please comment below, we will reply our best answer, Please like and share this article with your fans, For more latest tutorial keep visiting our site, Thanks you

Saturday, December 28, 2013

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014

How To Post Animated GIF Picture On Facebook this trick everyone need, But it's not easy, But if you wanna this you can do it with our trick, So for this today we are sharing with you one of best trick of Facebook which called How to share / post animated GIF picture on Facebook, Using this trick you can share animated moving picture on timeline, group, your wall, your fan page and many more. We are sharing on our blog many methods one by one,  Today we are sharing new working latest method, Its a most attraction of Facebook, When a friend or any one see animated GIF moving picture on your Facebook they will surely attract by your timeline post, Its a most wanted Facebook trick, Every one wanna this method, But mostly people don't know about this. Then let's enjoy this and do it.

How To share Animated GIF photo On Facebook working 2014

I am posting complete steps with a screen shot, I think it may be more helpful for you, Just follow me and do it, But please don't miss any step, Otherwise its not work, Now lets follow me and do it.

NOTEIf You Wanna Example for GIF Picture Please Watch My Wall

Share Easily GIF Using - Animated Gif Picture Sharing Tool

  • Login to your Facebook Account.
  • Now click on Developer To Create a FB App.

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo 
  • To Create FB App Just go to Complete Tutorial for this.
Visit for - How To Create Facebook Application.
  • After create app now click on app using this Developer.
  • Now  Click on Your App which you created.
  • Now Click on Right side SEE ALL option.
  • Now Click on Left Side Open Graph. 

 How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo

  • Now click on Create a New Story.
  • Than You will see a popup window for Create a new story.

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo 
  •  Now Just add Your app name using plus sign and choose Choose Object.

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo

  • Now click on Create button and Now click on the Type left side.
  • There find Get Code and click on code button.
  • There you will see new window will your access token.
  • Just go on my time line and Click on GIF Photo.
  • Just copy all URL and paste it in a notepad file. Like below


  • Now copy the url (Before &set) picture id like below example.
  • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=381979135201261

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo

  • Now paste copied url in Object option.

How To Post Animated Gif Picture On Facebook 2014 image picture photo

  • Just click on Summit then you will find some code just click on it.
  • Now you will see new window just set www,facebook url there.
  • After that you will redirect like This type URL.

  • Just click on share and its done.

Final words

This is a working method if you wanna example of this, You can see on my wall, But i wanna say you that fb will blocked this method coming soon so we are not responsible that its work for more time, It's a New Facebook GIF share trick for a short time so enjoy it. Please like and share with your friends.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Facebook Ads or Google Ads : Which option to prefer [Infographic]

Google and Facebook are the two top sites, best in their own ways. People who have used Google ad words or Google ads have come across the word "Keyword". Google operates totally on the world of "Keywords". Best keywords and your site is at the top. But when Facebook also has a feature of advertising to boost the business, advertisers have an opportunity to use n-number of words. 
In the month of October 2013, Google announced that it will include Facebook Ads. The option of Facebook Ads is used for building a more broader fan base and more visibility to the larger group of Facebook users. Businessmen who use Facebook Ads have experienced the effectiveness of it on the users. 

It all depends on the advertising quality means, after all a customer or a user or visitor will first think that what will he get out of it. Users or visitors welcome gifts, rewards, recognitions. 
After all this still the question is unanswered, i.e, which to prefer: Facebook Ads or Google Ads.
We will discuss this point wise with comparison. 
  • Basic Platforms : Basically both are different from each other. Google is a search engine and Facebook is a social networking site. Google will not connect with friends and share but Facebook does. Similarly Facebook won't display the search results according to the keywords. 
  • Keywords: For building any advertisement via any channel you need a good set of keywords. Google does that with ad words. When opting for Google Ad-words a best set of keywords have to be studied and then have to be applied. Because when a user searches with a specific keyword in Google, the ads are also displayed accordingly. In Facebook, there is no need of using keywords for displaying in the results.  
  • Quantity and Quality of Ads: As Google works on keywords, the ads displayed will be according to the specific keyword. Hence if the keyword is searched in Google and is in the top then the ads displayed in the right side of the search results will be of best quality and more ads. In Facebook, recently there was an announcement made that it will display less and unwanted ads in the News Feed. Hence, depending on the quality of ads and likes of Facebook users, the social media will display ads. 
  • Average Cost : Both have different CPC rates. Facebook has $0.80 CPC while Google has $2.50 CPC.  
  • Brand Building : Any business which is just the baby in learning how to build a brand in the market, will opt for Facebook Ads mainly due to the larger audience on the social media. The reason behind this is people are always connected to Facebook and spend much time on it. Hence to draw their attention it is best to use Facebook Ads.
  • Google+ page and Facebook fan page : A brand needs its building bricks in the form of separate pages in Google or Facebook. Facebook fan pages shows the likes very clearly and this adds to more popularity of a particular fan page. When the fan page is very much popular, it gets a verification mark with a "Tick mark" besides its name with a blue color. This recognition is sufficient for anyone to judge that a particular page is best and will provide the needed information. In the similar way Google+ page will have people following it. So "Likes" in Facebook fan page and "Followers" in Google+ page. 
  • Ad space :  Google tops when it comes to the ad space it acquires. One third of the screen is acquired by Google Ads.The image below displayed shows the highlighted boxes with ads. 

     But when compared with Facebook Ads, the amount of space it gets is very less.
  • Traffic Generation / Lead Generation :  Good point and a very important point of discussion. This is the main thing that every advertiser looks for. Whichever way you choose, at the end of the day one will look for how many turned up. In case of Google Ad-words, according to the specific keywords that user looks for is displayed in the side and at the top of the search results. If it is alluring then they get noticed and gets clicked. Works best. As discussed in the earlier point regarding the ad space, most space is acquired by Google than Facebook. But when Facebook is displaying ads in the News Feed, it will display according to the likes of a user. 

Clubbing all this together if we think, Google Ads will get direct sales and direct hits as compared to Facebook Ads.Ad-words is a stronger platform because it will display those ads only which people are looking for to buy. It works best with e-commerce sites.

If you are using Facebook to get lead generation then better is to direct it to a squeeze page and then hit the records. 

Did I miss something here... Please share it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Facebook steps to add "Donate" button to fan pages

Few days back Facebook introduced a new feature called "Donate Now" button for non profit organizations. According to the updates, you can use this button or install it if you are handling any non profit organization and have a fan page for it. Instead of going and asking for donations door to door better have a "Donate Now" button for your famous fan page. 
Social media sites has this an added advantage for helping some non profit organizations. Facebook is one of them who has introduced this button. To use this button or feature on your fan page you need to create it using an app. 

The app name is "Donate Button Creator" in Facebook, powered by First Giving, that creates "Donation" button for any type of charity. 

Below post will help you in the addition of Donate button for your website or blog or fan page.  

When you have decided to install this button then follow the steps as stated below : 
  • Log in to your Facebook account
  • Type "Donation Button Creator" in the Graph search. If you don't get the correct app from Graph search then on the another tab in the browser search in Google. The first of all the results will be the button you are looking for. (apps.facebook.com/donationbutton/)
  • It will open in this site. 
  • Type the name of the charity page that you own in Facebook in the "Charity Search" text box. 
  • Enter the message in the "Why are you supporting this charity" box and then click "Post" button. 
  • Below there are two options on for installing this button, i.e website and Facebook fan page. 
  • If you want to install it in your website, copy the code in the box and then embed in the source code of your website. 
  • If you have a fan page and want to install this button then click "Install on Facebook Page".
  • The list of pages you admin will be displayed. Select the "Install Now" button besides the actual name of the fan page you want to add this button to. 
  • Then select the page and again click "Add Donate Button Creator" .
Once you have created and added Donate button to your Facebook fan page, you need to change the settings.

For that go to the fan page where you have installed this button.

  • Click on the pencil to open the tabs for editing  
  • Hover mouse over the Donate button and click the pencil button at the top right corner of it. 
  • List of options will be displayed. Select the "Edit Settings" option 
  • Enter the tab name and change the image of the button. 
Now when people visit your fan page and click on this button to donate out of their interest it will securely take their donations.

Facebook has really taken good steps in creating this social network work and many good features are added in it to help others.

This button will help many needy people who have suffer from any drought or any calamity or any other natural disaster.

My personal salute to the founders and developers of Facebook.

    How to create a Facebook app for my website 2014

    Create a Facebook app for my website or blog not hard, There are many uses of Facebook apps, If are you a professional blogger then you must create this, There are many things which need this, So for this today we are sharing with you an old but latest updated complete video tutorial for How to create a Facebook app for my website with simple step by steps. There are many tutorial for this, but many more describe on their tutorial unwanted description, Which will give you more confusion, Using our simple language and also simple, easy steps method you can make your Facebook apps more easy, When you create an app you can enjoy more features of the Facebook developer mode. Then, if are you trying to make this then follow our a step to step complete tutorial for those with useful screen shot. Lets's try and get it.

    How to create a Facebook app and Get App ID

    We are sharing with you a complete method also for Get application Id and application secret. You may know that application Id and application secret most useful things of an app, When you will complete this tutorial you will get it also.

    Visit For How to set up a Facebook Comment system in website Blogger

    How to create a facebook app for my website image picture photo

    How to create / make a Facebook app for my website

    First, you must visit on Developer link.

    How to create a facebook app for my website image picture photo

    Now Click on App on Right upper side.

    Now click on Create New App Button.

    Now Give your app name and Check for Availability.

    Now Just field below App name space.

    How to create a facebook app for my website image picture photo

    You must create a category for our application.

    Now click on create an app and you will see a new popup.

    Just complete a simple captcha and submit it.

    How to create a facebook app for my website image picture photo

    Just add your Web site in Website with Facebook Login.

    How to create a facebook app for my website image picture photo

    Now It's Done you can use its more features of this.

    Visit in - Add FB Comment Counter for Blogger and site

    Final Words

    Hello, This is an official and safe method for creating Facebook applications, If you get any problem for complete this tutorial, Please comment below, We will surely help you with our best answer, Please like and share with this tutorial with your friends,  Keep exploring our blog for more tutorial. Thanks
    You may also Like - How To Embed Fb Post in Blogger and website

    Facebook Tips and Tricks for Page Like Group Name And More 2014

    All Facebook Tips and Tricks for Page Like changing the Group Name and many this article will give you.  Hello fans, Now Time of new Facebook Tips and tricks, If you note any category for example, swimming, Flight, Travel, Jumping, beauty, health, education, Forest visit, Climbing, Motorcycle riding, riding and also most popular gaming, free earning online money and many more fields had their special tips and tricks, If we are always trying to share about Facebook new working, method and tutorial, Because that give you more and something new technique for using this social site.

    Facebook Tips image photo

    Tips For Facebook New Working

    Social sites are the most popular sites among the peoples, There are many social sites like as Twitter, Google plus, Facebook, LinkedIn, stumble upon, and many more, Buts Fb is the one of the most popular social site,  Its user are world wide, Its nighty percentage user are daily using their accounts. So we are sharing only Tips for Facebook.

    Tips on Facebook You Might Not Know

    How Change Facebook Page Name After 200+ Likes
    If you have a page fb page with 200+ unfortunately or your business purposes or any one reason you wanna change this name, it's not easy, But using our this method you can easily change your fb page name after 200+ likes, Its full working method, Just go there and follow that article steps and done.

    How to create a single name on Facebook
    If you wanna Create single name, Without any last name, Its not possible simply. But using our tutorial you can easily make a single name on fb without any problem, Its also a safe method.
    Just go our this main article page and follow our easy steps and do it,

    How to Download Facebook video
    It's a simple and latest method, There are many methods for How to Download fb video, But they are not fast, We are sharing with you latest and full working method for How to Download fb video.
    Just go there and follow some easy steps and done.

    How to invite all your fb friends to like a page 
    If you create a new page and you wanna say or invite your friends for like your page, If you try to one by one its more difficult, But using our simple method you can invite your all fb friends for like a page in one click, Just go to main article and do it.

    Increase Your Facebook Page Like, Free
    If you wanna more fb fan page likes, Than use our this article its, Simple tips for get more page likes free, There are many tips but we are try to share something safe and latest tips for increase page likes.

    Final Words

    Always we are trying to share something new and also working method for this social site, If get any problem for completing these any tutorial please comment below, If you like our this article please share with your fans with LIKE and SEND Button,  For more keep visit our blog .... Thanks

    Tricks on Facebook Tips 2014 you may Like

    Hello fans Once again we are sharing with you a lot of means a huge collection of latest new working Facebook tricks, If you notice any technology department like as computer, engineering, Beauty, Education, Travel, Holidays, Swimming, free hosting, and many more all have their tips and tricks, If you are our regular visitor then you know that our site regularly updated new tips and tricks, Today we are continue posting a hug collection latest news all type fb tips and secret code, Which you might don't know, lest enjoy our below top tips and trick on Facebook.

    Tricks on Facebook image picture photo

    New working Tricks on Facebook 2014

    If you watch this category history, then you will find many tips and trick for page, Group, Like, Free likes, Secret codes, Animated GIF picture share and many more. They are full working for some days, After the next update of fb some are blocked by fb, So we are always trying to share only working, new and updated tricks, We always try to share for our visitor something best,

    Tricks in Facebook 

    How To Combine Joint Facebook Cover with Profile Picture
    You call this a stylus tip of fb, Using this you can make your fb timeline more attractive and beautiful, Using this you can join your timeline cover and your profile picture, When your profile picture and timeline cover are jointed its look so beautiful. Just go, there are follow them.

    How to post in all, Facebook groups at once Click
    If you wanna more traffics for your timeline or if you have any site or blog, Than if you wanna share your status or post in all over your fb group in click, Using this trick you can easily post your all fb groups in one click, Its also simple and easy method, Just go and follow them. 

    How to Stop Tagging on Facebook Timeline Permanently
    If you have more friends and you always get many tags from unwanted tags and there notification, If you always tagged by many people you may be missing your most and useful notification, But using this simple official trick you can stop fb tagging on your timeline permanently.

    How to share Animated GIF Picture On FB

    Animated GIF picture are most attraction of this social site, If you able to post animated GIF picture on your timeline, This will notice by your all friends, We have created a new working Animated GIF Picture Sharing Tool, Using this you can Easily share animated GIF picture on your wall and any.

    Final Words

    If you check our last few articles you will find that we are sharing only working tutorial of this biggest social site, These all Tricks are fully working, If you find any tips are not working, please comment below, If you like this article Please  LIKE  and  SEND  with your friends For more Tips Keep Visiting.

    Tricks for Facebook 2014 All are working

    Tricks for Facebook every where using, You know fans our Blog are fully provide new latest free working Facebook tricks, Like as Page, group, Scripts, Likes, Security, Advance, Apps, Massage, PHP and many more about Facebook Tricks, We were sharing many tutorials for this social site, Which give you something new and advance features of this social site, We also provide you many Facebook plugging for blogger and website, Today we are sharing with you some of  the most popular trick of our site, Just click on and get this in full description.

    Tricks for Facebook image picture

    Trick for Facebook 2014

    How to Merge two Facebook Page
    Using this trick you can easily merge your fb page, You sing this you can include you more page like with another more lies, Just go to this full descriptive article and follow their easy steps and done.

    How to Embed Facebook Posts on Blogger or Website 
    Using this trick you can easily Embed you fb post in blogger blogspot and in your website, For this we will also share the video tutorial for this, Just go and follow that's article and do it.

    Get Activate Enable Facebook NEWS FEED
    News feed a old feature of this world largest socials site's but many people don't know about this, Using this you can improve your fb search quality, You can search your fans, group and any easily.

    How to Tag All Facebook Friends Using One Click
    Its a most latest trick, If you wanna tag your all Facebook friends than its not possible, Ten friends also take ten minutes, But using this you can easily in a few second you will able to Tag all friends in a click, Just go to this link and do it, You can follow its video tutorial also for better understand.

    How to Watch Last Year Top Movement of Facebook
    If you wanna watch your most special change in last one year, also including your cover and profile picture changed, Most liked the update, Most liked picture and many more in few minutes then follow our this easy tutorial and get it.

    Final words

    These all are tricks most popular on this this social site, we also share many tutorials in our next post, If you think it's no more for you just visit our next article for latest new working 2014 tricks, If you like this article please comment below to say thanks, Please keep exploring our blog for more, Thanks

    Tuesday, December 24, 2013

    How to Tag All Facebook Friends Using One Click 2014

    Tag All Facebook Friends Using One click are really amazing tricks for inviting all your fans on one update in one click, Hello fans Today we are sharing with you one of latest new working methods for How to Tag All Facebook Friends Using One Click, Its new Facebook trick is viral on fb. There many tricks of Samsung  phones, I phones, I paid, Androids, Education, Traveling, holiday's, Beauty and many more, Like as social site's tips and tricks more popular among the people, Facebook is a bigger social network in the word. Its user world wide, So we are always trying to share something new on this social site, We also share many video tutorial for Facebook, Our last tutorial for How To Combine Joint Facebook Cover with Profile Picture is very liked by our visitor, Lets new tips of this social networking site,

    Tag All Facebook Friends in a Click

    Its a simple and easy trick, but mostly people don't know about that, Just follow our easy steps and do it, You can use this Google chrome and Firefox both, Than enjoy this Tag all friends in a click.

    Don't Forget   Invite all Friends For Like a Page In one Click

    How to Tag All Facebook Friends Using One Click image photo
    • First open Google Chrome.
    • Update your status and open it in a new window.
    • Now Press CTRL + SHIFT + J.
    • Then you will see Below many options.
    • Just click on console and past Below script Using CTRL + V and Press Enter
    • Wait For Few second and watch.
    You will see that you're all friends will Tagged.


    Visit For Add all Friends In Group Using One click

    Tag All Facebook Friends Using One Click In Google Chrome \ Firefox

    Hello fans, we share this script for both famous browsers, Using this script You can easily Tag all friends in Google chrome and also Tag all friends in Firefox, For fire fox just selects the same method in Google chrome, Just open console and past this script now its done.

    Visit for Like How To stop Tagging Permanently

    Final words

    This is the latest and tested the script, Using this you can easily tag your all fb fan in a click, Means in one minute you can tag all friends. If you have any question, please comment below, If you like this article Please LIKE and SEND and share this article with your fans, Keep visiting for more Trick Tha