Monday, December 2, 2013

How to add Facebook Like Button on Blogger For Better SEO

Facebook like button is first need for any blogger blog or WordPress site to increase likes of your fan page, If are you searching fast loading and also SEO friendly of this than maybe it will best for you. So for this today i am sharing with you a complete tutorial for Add Facebook Button for  blogger,  Every one knows now every person connected to a social site, Mostly all social site's are world wide,  So it's very important that any developer must connect to a social  plugin, Facebook also a worldwide and very popular social sites. If you connected to this you will get more traffic for your site, So you must add a Facebook like a button for your blog  and site, I am sharing with you simple faster and SEO friendly fast loading Facebook Like  box or button for your blogger blog spot, By simple codes, If you need this than follow us forget it.

Why You Add a Facebook Like Button in Your Blogger Blog?

As you know that social networking sites is most used sites now days, After Google second is social sites which most using by peoples, Now days every one connected to these social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and many more like this, One of biggest specialty of these sites that they have active users, I means to say you that people daily using there account social sites, So web master also trying to get big traffic from social networking sites, Facebook is also a biggest social networking sites which have biggest amount of active users, If you wanna connect these active user then you must add a like box, Using this they will connect with your site by liking your page. So using this you can more traffic for your blogger blog or blogspot. 

Add Facebook like button on blogger Blogspot

Advantage of This Like Box

Simple and Fast Loading,

SEO Friendly Button,

Easy to Load,

Note -  You Also Get Like bog From Developer Facebook

You May Like   Add One Facebook Popup Like Button 

 How to add Facebook like button on blogger photo image

How To Add Facebook like button  Box In Blogspot ?

1 -  Go To Your

2 -  Open Your Desire Blogger.

3 -  Go To "Layout".

4. -  Click "Add A Gadget" Where You Want To Add It.

5 -  Now Scroll To "HTML-JAVASCRIPT"

 6 -  Click "+" Icon To Add It.

 7 -  Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It To Their.

8 -  Leave The Title Empty.

9 -  Click on  Save, Now You Are Done.

10 - Now You can Watch Preview Its full working.

Customize you Like Box

Change newfaceboooktipstricks With you your Fan Page Name
Change height=15    width=20    faces=true    faces=false 

Source  A Complete Web Developing and best SEO Guide

Visit For All FB  Blogger  Plugin and Tutorial 

Final Words

It's a simple Code, You can change its  color, Font size, Box width and Height You can also select the faces of friends, If you wanna show your friends faces than true and if you not wanna show friends pictures than replace fuse, For more Facebook Blogspot tutorial keep visiting our site, and many more Thanks....

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