Monday, September 9, 2013

How to create a successful Facebook ad

When we think of any advertisement, what comes in our minds? First point that arises is the trick to reach out to more and more customers. Any strategy that will attract them to buy your products or services. Of course, this advertisement is meant for earning some handsome money from this Facebook ad. Otherwise there is no point in making this ad for.

Recently, the social media has became a wide and vast pipe that brings countless visitors. It is mostly through this way that major visitors turn into your customers. 

If your products are attractive, useful, trustworthy, then the customer will not think of its price. But sometimes price or charges also play an important role in choosing your services or products. 

The only trick that will work out for you as a businessman is the way you present your products in front of them. Ways means advertising strategy or trick. 
Your successful and unconditional strategy will bring them to your shops. 

Another thing that should be kept in mind before presenting any product is that what you offer them. 

A successful ad works well if you have : 

  • Impressive product to display 
  • Way of making them understand about the product , how useful it is for them
  • Attractive offer at attractive price
  • Discounts sometimes work
  • "Free" is a keyword or advertisement mantra that will make their eyebrows go up. "Buy 1 get 1 free"
  • How you engage them to read or play your ads
  • Your online reputation or earlier products' results that they have in their mind after using , will also create a positive impact on them to buy
  • Usage of right colors in the ads will also work with images and videos

To make a successful ad, you need to know how to create and design an ad campaign in Facebook.

In this post , I have some images which will give you perfect way to create a successful ad campaign. 

Step 1:     Log in to your Facebook Account 

Step 2 :    Click "Create Ad" 


 Step 3:   In the text box, type the Facebook destination or URL OR select from below listed options

Step 4: After selecting or typing the desired ad page , select any one of the three options. 
           a. Get more Likes
           b. Promote Page Posts
           c. Advanced options

Step 5 : If you selected , "Get more likes "

 In this step, if you select , to get more likes to the selected page URl, then you have to make some settings as shown in the above image. Like , choose a headline that will make people understand what your page is about. With that add some text in the text box provided to know more about it. Select the "landing view" . That is where your page has to be landed, either your timeline or photos where the visitors will land to your ads.  Then select the images for your page ad.

Look at the "Preview" at the right side of your screen which is displayed when you make any changes in your settings.

Accordingly "Create your Audience" 

In this step when you see the image, you will come to know where your want to reach up to. Type the name of the state or country in the "Location" . Accordingly, select the range of age if  the page or ad is for some specific age group. Then select the gender whether the ad is for men or women only.

With that type the interests as you know that many people have liked some pages earlier. So based on their likes, the ads will be placed on their news feed. If you know, recently , it has been announced that there will be usage of "Hash tags" in Facebook like Twitter. So if your type some interests like say, "Mobile apps", then if any person is searching for mobile apps using hash tags, then your ad or page will be placed in front of him.

Step 6 : Campaign,  Pricing and schedule 


This is a very important step where you enter the currency , budget of the ad, campaigning, pricing, etc. Select the account currency, country and time zone accordingly.

In the budget and campaign, type the name of the ad campaign with the budget per day. In the schedule, you can either select the start date and end date or start from the time you create this ad.

Step 7: Click on "Preview Ad"

Now you can see an ad campaign that you have created. 

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