Saturday, September 7, 2013

How to send Friend request on facebook when blocked for 30 days

Sending friend requests without blocking is first need on the Facebook, Because more are trying to make new people on this social site, Hello, Fans once again we are sharing with you a new also full working methods for sending Friend request on Facebook when blocked for 30, 14 or 7 days, Means its working in all days. There are many methods for this, I was also trying many methods or  tutorial, but I don't get working tutorial for this, Finally I get this method it's fully working and also tested by me.  Using this you can get again or unable to send a friend request again.

Why friends Request Blocked on Facebook?

Its also an important question, If we know that How to Block friend request on Facebook, your  account never blocked for sending the request,,
Don't send unwanted friend  request.
Don't send at one time in a day more request.
If you send To Friend request per day You account Never Blocked.

Friend request on facebook when blocked picture photo

Send Friend request on Facebook when blocked for all days

First, go with this  After going there  you are trying to add any person,  You need the Email address of the That  person whom you are going to add. For this method you must know peoples email id, We recently update many methods, so for better use or better work you can use our new recently updated method for this, I hope it will work for you also.

Don't miss - Stylish Fake Middle Nickname generator for Facebook

How to get any friends email id on Facebook 

  • There are two popular methods for getting email id.
  • Its first also best way   -  by Their Profile - Watch there Profile information.
  • It is not used like this method - by any other way.
  • OK, now create a contact file in Notepad with saturated by, comma  and save it in.vcf.
  • Now go and watch tools for upload a file and upload your Contact file.
  • Now Press ok and its done.
  • Now you can do it

    For more Tips and trick keep visiting our site, Get more information about the latest update of social media

Final words send a Friend request on Facebook when block

Guys, you know that this social site always trying to update there features for better, May be in future it will not work, So if you follow all steps and you find that it's not working then please inform us, Because we are always trying to update only working method, If you have any more question about this article then please ask us, We will try to reply your answer as well as soon, Thanks for visit this small site and keep it for more new updates on this social networking site,

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