Sunday, January 19, 2014

How To Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat Massage

Disable Seen Option On Facebook is very easy on chat MSG massage, If you follow our this trick you can do it easily. So for this today we are sharing with you latest Facebook awesome tricks which is How to How To Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat, Its a great Facebook tips, Now you can hide your Facebook massage seen activity on your account, Facebook is the biggest social site, Its growing too fast among the people, Now it is the top social site in the word, If you know that how many user had this social site, You will surprise because its have many billions user, All day one by one a hugs people are connecting to this social site, Its user coming from all around the word,  Every one wanna know something new of this social site, We are also give you something new tricks of this.

How to disable "Seen by" in Facebook chat

Like as massage delivery report on on our mobile like same Facebook also give us a feature, Using that we can find out that our message is seen by our friends, Often when we send a chat message to other friends, After he or she is watching our massage than on our chat box its shown seen them, Now you can also hide this to from your friends.

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How To Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat image

Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat in Mozilla Firefox

There are tow new lattes working method so we are sharing with you both methods also with video tutorial, Which is better which you can use,  We are sharing for both popular browser method  Google Chrome ad Mozilla Firefox. Just follow our some easy steps and do it.

  • If are using Great Browser Mozilla Than Open Mozilla Browser.

  • Just Restart your Browser and Its done.

Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat in Google Chrome

If are you using my best browser, Google chrome than follow our this method, Like as Firefox, you can use similar extension method for Google Chrome also. Just install below extension in your Google Chrome browser and get chatting undetected  after this simply restart your Chrome and its done.

Visit For How To Wish Facebook Friends Birthday Automatically 

How To Disable Seen Option On Facebook Chat image

  • Now Restart your Browser and Done.

Visit For How To Create Own Followers List

Final Words

This is a simple tutorial, There are also some other method for hiding seen option on Facebook you can also use them, but These are the simplest method, In this method no need more extension or codes, If you like this article, please comment below, If you have any question about this article please comment below will sure reply your answer as possible.

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