Friday, August 9, 2013

A roundup of some great Facebook features

When the great social media giant, Facebook started its journey, it was unaware about its long long walk. Today it is the first and probably the king of all social media or social networking sites that we have online. There are many to list out, like Twitter, Google Plus, Bebo, Orkut, hi5, Stumble Upon, etc. This list is never ending. 

Has any one thought of what is going to be the next happening in Facebook? Daily, there is some or the other developments that the team of Facebook developers make. Useful and exciting changes makes Facebook more lovely.
Let us explore this in some of the latest updates in the world of Facebook:
Recently, two major changes in the News Feed Algorithm were announced, named as Story Bumping and Last Actor. Before that some one or two months back, Facebook Home was introduced to the public, which is working well. 

Apps were introduced, small options were introduced, PIPE was again a major initiative. All these initiatives made Facebook more user friendly. How can we forget Graph Search? It is also one of the ways that we can search according to our wants or happenings or some specific things related to our near ones that Google will never display. For instance, if you wanted to find out answers to a query like, "My friends who married in the year 2010", then can Google answer this query? No, that feature was introduced in Facebook, as Google does not have access to your personal information.

Facebook also borrowed the Hashtags feature from Twitter. "Hashtags" work like important keywords. If someone wants to search the word that you provided with a symbol, "#", then it will work like a keyword and if anyone is searching for posts related to that word, then your page will be displayed. That's the miracle behind Hashtags.

Facebook also has a cool feature called "Sorting" in status updates, which allows one to sort the comments in any post. 
Who can forget the Trusted Contacts option? Well, never forget this option as this will act as your secret holder that will inform you about your lost password if you do so. 
Tagging, is another great funny feature that allows us to tag friends even in the status updates with the use of the "@" sign . Some minor ones like creating photo collages of your friends and your photo albums in different shapes, scheduling future status updates , sending SMS from Facebook for free, finding out who has unfriend you without your knowledge,  tracking location feature, Facebook security, accessing GMAIL from Facebook, etc are some of the other features that make Facebook very interesting. 

Also who can forget the famous, Fan Pages? Businessmen , Film stars, Artists, all are active online now instead of waiting for long and getting the comments later. This feature makes some people earn money by selling their product on the fan pages. 
I am also curious about a robot called, Facebook Robot? What will it do? How can it help me in accessing Facebook? If anyone has a clue, please let me know. Look forward to your comments

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