Tuesday, August 27, 2013

New Announcement in Facebook - Shared Photo Albums feature

The social networking giant, Facebook , announced the new feature called as "Shared Photo Albums". This feature says that now you can share the albums to others who can in turn share it to others. The photos that you want to show now can be shared with others who are called as "Contributors" in the main feature. They can again add up their contributors in this chain. Like this, a photo album can be shared up to 50 contributors. These contributors can in turn share their own photos for that album which is shared. 

This feature is helpful for user engagement in groups who has a lot of images to share. 
One who wants to share the albums, can enjoy the facility of  three options or sub-features in the "Shared Albums", which are public, friends of contributors and contributors only. 
As it is said that a picture is worth thousand words. On the same basic thought, Facebook has put forth this idea of sharing the photo albums. One who is creating a photo album can share access to as many as 50 "contributors". Now these contributors in turn can share up to 200 photos. 
This is available for users on desktop and will be widely made accessible for others too shortly. 

An important point that can be taken in to consideration here is , if you are preparing for job interview and if you are using this "Shared Photo Album" feature, then you have to be doubly sure that the photos you are making public are of related matters that will promote you online social presence. This again will be an added advantage for you in front of your interviewers. 

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