Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to create a successful "Video Contest" in Facebook

Videos and Photos make everything viral on Facebook. You must have taken your own example of uploading your own photo or video which got more likes and shares. Same trick applies for your Business fan Pages to make them popular.

To make any business page popular or successful, some tricky ways have to be applied. One of the main tricks that creates interest in your page visitors or viewers is "Video Contest"

In Facebook, if you want to create a successful "Video Contest", what factors should be considered: 

  • Why you are creating it
  • Who are your target audience
  • Which offers will make them attractive
  • What are the gifts that you will be presenting to your contest winners
  • How will you decide or on which basis will be a participant be declared as the winner 
  • For how many days will be the contest open for participating

 After considering these factors and making all points clear, the main part of creating the contest begins.

The steps to create a successful "Facebook Video Contest" are : 

  • Log in to your Facebook account
  • In a new tab open "Woobox" site 
  • Click "Get Started" button on it
  • Select "Promotions" 
  • Select "Video Contests" option from the list of tabs 
  • In the "General Settings" enter the details of the video contests like title, description, restrictions, etc 
  • Now below set the "Fan Gate" either as "On or Off" . To make your fans "Like" the page then set it "ON" either set as "OFF". 
  • Set the "Allowed content" and "Entry start and end date "  
  • Here you can set the dates with other settings like awards, age restrictions, etc
  • Below click on "Save Settings"
With all these settings, your "Video Contests" tab is created on your Fan page. The tab will be visible on your fan page.

For using "Woobox" apps you need to pay to be the member of the site.

There is another way for creating your Video contests for Facebook pages. Another effective way to create is using "Video Contests " app by "Offer Pop" .

To create video contests using free options then use Offer Pop's "Video Contest" tool or app. The steps are :

  • Type "Video Contests" in the Graph search 
  • Select the second app which is from Offer Pop 
  • Click on "Learn More" button 
  • Click "Try it Free" button
  • The app will ask whether it is for "Facebook apps" or "Twitter apps" 
  • Click on "Log into Facebook Apps" button 
  • The app will ask for permission. Click "Ok" and then will access your page. Click "Ok" here too. 
  • It will "Redirect"to your Page. 
  • Set up an account in "Offer Pop" by entering the required details 
  • Click Continue and then accept their terms and conditions
  • Select "Add Page" 
  • The pages that you have created in Facebook will appear. Select the one where you want to create a video contest
  • Click on "Purchase the subscription" button after adding the page
  • Then "Choose Plan" of free subscription  
Please note:

* A credit card is required to activate your plan. This page has less than 101 fans, so you qualify for free access. Once your page reaches 100 fans, you will be prompted to purchase a subscription. You can cancel at any time, for any reason; your cancellation will be effective on the last day of the current billing cycle. 
If you provide with the details then the plan will be activated. It is a "video contest" that you are creating and for your business page promotion. Hence adding some more functionality by paying some money for activating the contest will boost your promotion technique. 

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