Sunday, November 24, 2013

Online Backup provider, "iDrive" launches "Facebook Backup" feature

Users who use Facebook daily to update their photos, like on some others' images or posts, leave a comment for posts, have a lot to store if they want to store their online Facebook data. 

Whether you have liked someone else photo, commented or even if you were tagged in some photos and comments, these data will be safely stored online in "iDrive". 

Features of "iDrive" 
  • Real time backup
  • Multiple device backup
  • Facebook Backup (newly introduced)
  • Retrieve data
  • Secured
  • Fast 
Recently, the online backup and storage service provider, iDrive, has launched a new feature that will backup all your Facebook data that are mentioned above. Photos, likes, comments, tags, videos, etc. 

Regarding Facebook Backup in iDrive: 

As Facebook has become an integral part, users use it for sharing their images, videos, friends who tag in their photos, etc. Now in Facebook, you can download videos and photos but it does not give you the ones that you were tagged in. 

Also in case your friend has "unfriend" you, then the tags and photos where you were tagged in his or her photos will not be included. 

This is made possible by iDrive by launching the new feature of "Facebook Backup" too.

In this process, iDrive does not store the important details like your login details and your contact information. 

Hence create an account in iDrive and enjoy backup of your Facebook important data.

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