Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to "Highlight" or "Pin" your posts in Facebook

Facebook gives you lots of features that can be used for making your posts and updates look interesting and shareable. Some add new posts in their wall just to have fun or getting more exposure to the friends or simply to share everything that is possible with friends. 

When posts are updated on the daily basis, you may think that particular post or status update is important and that should be highlighted or pinned to top. 

This is nothing but "Highlighting" your posts as important. This feature is available in Facebook who write posts on their wall and also for those who update their "Fan Pages" with their new posts daily or weekly. 

Pinning or highlighting particular post will make your posts more readable by others. There is some important notice or important thing that you want to share with your fellow contacts in Facebook. 

There is a very simple way or trick to "Highlight" your posts
  • Go to your Timeline
  • Select the post that you want to highlight or bring it to top
  • Hover your mouse to the top right corner of that post. You will get the small down arrow image displayed
  • Click it and select the "Highlight" option 
Once the post is highlighted, you can see a "Star" mark displayed at the top of the post which says that it is highlighted post. 

So, for a specific period of time you can keep your posts highlighted. If you want to keep it permanently you can opt that too. 

Later if you think that this post is not so important and want to make it as normal post then you can again click the down arrow at the top of the post, and click on "Remove from Highlight" option.

This feature of Facebook can be used if you think that you are keeping some offers and which is for limited period of time or if any post contains the details of your marriage like venue , date, etc, then you can keep the post highlighted for that period till the marriage date. 

"Highlighting" feature of Facebook makes any post highlighted for you on your wall or your fan page. 

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