Monday, March 31, 2014

Code for Invite all Facebook Friends on Page in One Click

Code for Invite all Facebook Friends on Page  in One Click is every one need, so today we are shearing with your working script or Code for Invite all Facebook Friends on Page One in Click, We was also share How to invite all Facebook friends for like your fan page in one click, Today we are updating our previous article with new and latest also fast script,  Its very fast script using this you can easily invite your all Facebook friends for like your page,  Facebook fan page is biggest platform for marketing, If are you using this social site for marketing or launch your product online than you must get more likes for you fan page, Now let's try this secrete trick of fb and get more thumb,

Why you should use these codes and scripts 2014?

Its better question, We can invite our friends for like our new brand page by one by one clicking but its getting really more time, If you have five thousand friends and you wanna invites all, If you will try by simply clicking on invite, you will not invite in 5 minutes it will take above 2 hours, But if you are trying this script for inviting all friends its will take only a few minutes. Then you can which is better for,

As You Like - Facebook Profile Page Id Code Finder Tool

Working Scripts and Code for Invite all friends on Facebook Page 2014

There are huge collection of likes these scripts and codes, but mostly are blocked by Facebook, Actually Facebook is not allowing any code on this social site, There engineer always trying to block them, We are always trying to share something safe and working scripts and codes, If you find any our method not working you can comment below, Sure we will update them, But we are always time top time update our all codes so you can use them for better results.

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How To Invite all friends for like a Page in one click using the code 

Now come to the point, We are giving you a good script or code for all most popular web browser like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Mostly now time these both browser is used by peoples
First, you must go on any required Page and follow for both browsers.

Invite all Facebook friends in Google Chrome Browser 

  • First you must login with Your Facebook Account.
  • Now go on required browser.
  • Now simply click on Invite friends.

Visit For - How to Stop Tagging on Facebook Timeline Permanently 2014

  • Just scroll down for all friends.
  • Now Press Control +Shift +J  or  Press f12
  • Now Simply Click on Console  Button.

  • Now past Below script using Control +V and press enter.

Then  wait for few second and it's done.

Invite all Facebook friends in Mozilla Firefox Browser

  • If you are using Mozilla browser, then follow the same method.
  •  First, you open required page which you wanna for invites.
  • Just open Console box using Console + Shift +K
  • Now the Past upper script on the console using Control + V.
  • Wait for few second and done.

Final Words

Its working script may be its not work for you, If you get this script is not working then please comment below, Actually we don't wanna add any not working method in our blog, Thanks for, visit our site for more Facebook tips and tricks 2014 please keep visit our blog., You can support us by sharing our article with your friends....

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