Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Facebook like box plugin for WordPress Site Blog

Facebook like box plugin for WordPress Site Blog is first need for optimize your blog on facebook, so for this  we are sharing with you best article on How to Add Facebook like box plugin for WordPress,  Every buddy know that WordPress its the best platform for web developing, Its a platform of professional bloggers, It is the second most popular after blogger,  There are many plugin for wordpress which provide many useful services and many more, Facebook like box plugin also more important for your site seo, So i think every user mus use like these plugins for better seo and for connect more users using Facebook also.

How to add Facebook like box to a WordPress blog

There are many plugin for this, If you search on the net you will find a huge collection of this, We are also adding this from internet, but after many suggestions and many discus w get this plugin for you, This is working properly and its most important thing its loading fast, Site loading speed also a main part of SEO, Its fast loading Facebook like box for WordPress you may like it.

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How to add Facebook like box plugin for WordPress Blog

We are sharing with you official method. Using that you can easily add Facebook like box in your WordPress site, There are many different methods for this, but we are not recommending you, because most are not SEO friendly,  So if you wanna create your WordPress blog more SEO friendly also quick loading tan you must add only valuable and quick loading plugin. It will attract more people to keep visiting your site.

Don't Miss - New Facebook Page Promoter Popup Like Box

Add SEO friendly fast Loading Facebook like box plugin for WordPress

  • Just add your Facebook fan Page URL there.

Facebook like box plugin for WordPress Site Blog image picture

  • Now customize your  box size and shape.

  • Now simply click on get code button.

  • Now Click on Iframe and Copy these codes.

Facebook like box plugin for WordPress Site Blog image picture

  • Now Sign into your WordPress blog and add in your sidebar a new text widget.

  • Now put this code and save it and its done.

Final words

This is a official method for Wordpress and blogger blogspot too, For blogger, you must use HTML5 codes and paste it into a new blank widget anywhere in your blog, If you have any suggestion then please comment below, We will surely add your useful widget in our blog post, If you think this article may be useful for your friends, Thanks for the visit keep it for more tutorials

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