Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever ? may be you will used in future or now so today  we are sharing many tutorials on this social site but today we are sharing with you a best easy method for how to delete my Facebook account Forever permanently immediately with easy steps, People always enjoy this social site, But now some people are bored to to this social site so they  wanna leave this, This social site is a hobby of every person which using this, They always login there account and time waist, So are enjoying but some are thinking that its only a time pass site,  So they wanna leave this great social site, May be its helpful there business. Lets try this trick and enjoy this

How you delete your Facebook account forever permanently

You can delete your Facebook account immediately with permanently, but its taking some time, To delete your complete data fb take one to two months, After than, you all activity and searches are removed by fb from there all logs, You can recover this again in 2 months, After tow moths its not reversible, So always decide with a cool mind, May you need this again.

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How to Delete my Facebook account Forever image picture

What you do before leaving Facebook

Now time, many people using Facebook account and they are enjoying its many features like, Group, Page, Application,Page and more. If you suddenly leave this social site you can lose your all activity forever means that you can lose your all Groups, You page with your page likes and apps which are created by you, So before delete Facebook you must set your groups admirer to other friends, Make the page owner to another friend, or if wanna create a new account then you must make your all pages and groups admirer new account., May Be  once you need again then you can use it again. If you delete your fb account without these settings you will lose all,

Visit For -How to delete leave all Facebook Group on one click 2014 working

Can I recover My Deleted Facebook Account

Many people ask me that after delete Can I recover My Deleted fb Account? I wanna tell you that you can recover it again in limited time, If you need your deleted fb account, then you must go to Facebook help center and follow all three steps, Its also very easy, They take your id password and give you again, Just visit for recover fb account official page.

Don't Miss - How To Enable activate Facebook Graph Search in Easy steps

How To Delete My Facebook Account forever permanently

If you wanna delete your Facebook account, then follow us, We are sharing with you  an official method, There are many similar methods for this, You can use also some site which also provide this service,  But my suggestion doesn't use that use only official method, it's more effective and also very easy, then follow us..

Don't Miss - Why My Facebook Account is Unavailable Disable Delete 2014

  • Now, You will see like below screen shoot Delete button.

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever image picture

  • Now simply click on Delete Button.

  • Then you will see a Popup Box with captcha and for a password.

How to Delete my Facebook account Forever image picture

  • Just Complete that captcha and enter your passwords.

  • Now done, Don't login in again in this account.

  • If you will login then it will react again

Final words

If you login with this account in 15 days may be your Facebook account reactive again, So don't try this  again, Its take a few days for removing completely for search and from two other, You can get more help from our other tutorials, If you have any question then please comment below, For more tips and tutorial keep visit pour site, maybe it's also useful for your friends so please share with your friends thanks for and keep  exploring.  . . .

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