Thursday, July 31, 2014

Difference between Website vs Facebook Ad Clicks with CPC and CPR

Facebook Ad Clicks vs website Ad Clicks Difference most people doesn't know, People don't about  about CPC and CPC of Facebook with website,  After sharing on How Should Pay For My Facebook Ads oCPM, CPM or CPC today we are talking about this, What Facebook is well known and best platform for promoting business online and products as well.  Most of the advertisers are advertising on Facebook in order to get targeted audience for their products or business. Also, most of the advertisers think that through CTR and CPC clicks they are tracking clicks on their websites, but they are wrong. In this article we are going to discuss about Facebook ad clicks vs website clicks and difference about both of these two which you should need to know.

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Difference between Website vs Facebook Ad Clicks image photo

The Facebook Ad “Click”

Within the Ads Manager, Facebook provides various basic results which depends upon how you have optimized your campaign. Such type of typical report will  provide you the results for clicks and click through rates just like this one mentioned in screenshot given below:

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Difference between Website vs Facebook Ad Clicks image photo

You will need to understand the number report is total number of clicks received by ad. If you have shared some kind of link which includes clicks on that link. You need to know that it also contains other things like

  • Post comments
  • Post likes
  • Page Likes
  • Post shares

And many more other things. If you are tracking the success of ad which is driving good number of visitors or traffic towards your website or blog by focusing on the  clicks or CPC or CTR then you are over reporting your own success.

The website Click

Now if you want to optimize for the website clicks , Facebook will then automatically provides you details about the number of clicks specific ad generated within the ads manager report easily.

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But if you are looking for optimization of something other than this like post engagement on Facebook, then Facebook will not been able to provide you these numbers in Ads Manager which seems to confusion for most of the advertisers or business person on Facebook.

Don’t Focus on Click, CTR and Clicks

Now when report the results of your advertisement means to drive good number of traffic or visitors from Facebook to your website or blog, this can be considered as best example why you should need to focus or depend on metrics like CPC, CTR and clicks etc. Also, you are not providing the real picture of clear picture  of the traffic your are bringing to your website or blog for increasing blog or website audience.

Clicks: It includes many other clicks which are not websites clicks mainly if your ads was appearning in the News feed.

CPC: It is focused on cost per click which shows about how many clicks which are not website clicks at all.

CTR: It shows the percent of total clicks and total impressions. Again, many other clicks are included into this kind of matric as well.

Now you don’t need to think that these type of matrics seems to be worthless, but you should need to provide an accurate picture when providing the website traffic details. Also focus on two important thing:

Website Clicks

Cost per Website Click

If these options are not coming under main ads manager report, you need to make sure that you have created custom ads report to select those metrics.

Now I hope you have got good knowledge about the main differences between clicks and website clicks and other metrics as well. If you have any queries regards this guide, feel free to ask in comments section.

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