Saturday, August 2, 2014

How to Use Facebook Power Editor New version tutorial 2014

How to Use Facebook Power Editor guide or Tutorial many friends need on new version, because many are getting unknown errors on firefox,  So after sharing on How to Know Which Facebook Ads Working Best with Google Analytics URL Builder today we are include one more of ad guide, Do you want to a better and good method to manage our Facebook ads easily? Are you interested for accessing the latest advertising features by Facebook when they will be available?  This social networking site offers awesome and powerful way to all marketers and advertisers to do amazing things with the advertisements. In this article, we are going to talk about what Power Editor is? Sharing its benefits and also discussing that how you can create campaigns using this easily. Let's More about power editor.

What is Power Editor New version?

One of the best method online in order to get target audience for your product or business on Facebook is Facebook advertisements (Facebook ads). If you want to drive more benefits from your Facebook ads, then you should need to start using Power Editor.

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How to Use Facebook Power Editor New version tutorial image photo

Power editor is one of the best and top free browser plugin which is developed by this social networking site which allows marketers to bulk edit their Facebook ads easily. In the beginning it was just a chrome plugin. You can go to in order to test out it with your internet browser or installing this plugin.

Use Facebook Power Editor New version tutorial image photo

But Power Editor is more beneficial than bulk ad editing over Facebook’s self serve ad tool which make it more awesome. Let’s have a look at what are the benefits of using Power Editor for your Facebook advertisements.

How to Get Access to Latest Features Facebook Power Editor

Whenever Facebook releases or rolls out their new and advanced features, first they send them to Fb ads API (which directly goes to third party tools) and Power Editor as well. Due to this, marketers will be able to access the latest features before than those advertisers or marketers who are using Self-server ad tools.

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Facebook Power Editor New version tutorial image photo

Below are few of the best features which marketers can only try out in Power Editor but not in Self-server ad tool:

Partner Categories

Lookalike audiences

Saved audiences

Domain sponsored stories

Conversion specs

And many more other features…

Control Ad Placement Guide 

Apart from new features, anther good benefit of using Power Editor over the self-serve tool is that you have full control over the placement of your own fb ads.

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New Facebook Power Editor latest  version tutorial image photo

You can target appearance of your FB ads in Power Editor as follows:

  • Desktop Only.

  • All News Feed.

  • Desktop News Feed Only.

  • Mobile News Feed Only.

  • All Placement.

Also it offers users to target specific mobile devices and even marketers can target the specific models of phones or devices.
If you have started using new by this social networking site ads reports, then you might have the idea that it determines the users which ads placements are providing good advantage for your money so that you can optimize it for getting more success with you ads.

Though Facebook Power Editor also offers various other awesome features which includes optimization of your ads bidding, saving your time with bulk editing, creating your campaign with power editor, creating an ad with power editor and many more other beneficial features.

So what we have got from the whole discussion that getting results with  by this social networking site ads depends upon various things and also how you are using all the best tools available to you. If you want to have great results of your  by this social networking site ads then you need to start using Power Editor and create ads using it.

Facebook power editor tutorial or Guide's Unknown error

I hope you found this guide more useful and informative. before few months our many friends demanding on Facebook power editor guide, But due to new trends we was too late on this tutorial or guide, Actually there are many tutorial or guide on Facebook Power Editor , but after test most are not complete, People are getting many unkonwn errors on this, But don't worry use our this method and get ride on unknown errors with new version. Finally after read complete guide or follow complete tutorial if you have any queries or suggestions regards this guide, feel free to ask in comments section. 

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