Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Link For Verify Facebook Page for Get Logo Working official

Link For Verify a Facebook Page for Get verified Logo on your Facebook page Working official method today we are sharing with you, After share on How to Submit Facebook Page for Request a Verified Badge or Logo today we are including more detail in this series, Last year this social networking site start a program or include a feature for business and also for personal page. Actually, now Facebook is not only a social networking site, Now it's so advance, Now you can use this social networking site for many purposes,  Its biggest part of online marketing, If you don't know about How To use Facebook for Business promotion than visit that article and get more information, You know now days this is so popular i means to say verify tricks every one needs but there are no one link before some time for verify,  Today we are introducing about that link which recently given by this social site.

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Link For Verify Facebook Page for Get Logo Working official image photo

How Can I Verify Facebook Page for Get Logo

First time Facebook was giving verify a page for high profile people, politicians, celebrities, big players, or any other high popular peoples. After some time now Facebook announce to give these features for all users, Actually, this social networking site just implanting this feature everywhere, but not fully, So now its in testing mode, In some country, its fully added and some country its on progress, So everyone trying to get this feature in their own personal or business page, many friends also asking us for this, So by this article today we are reply to my all friends that you can verify your personal page right now, Now and you can also get a verify logo in your business or personal.

Requirement for Verify Facebook Page for Get verified Logo

Page verify feature is a new feature for all, So most people don't know about real set up to verify, Actually, this social networking site giving a policy to verify, and most people don't know right setup. So most people getting same, means not accepting email from developer team, I am just giving you an example which not accepted, and responded by this social site.


Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, we are unable to grant this request, as this is not eligible for verification at this time. Please note that our criteria for verification is based on a number of factors that we do not disclose at this time.
For more information, please visit

Mentions Team

So avoid this Email in your inbox, you must complete it, after then just send you it to developer team to get verified. Just follow easily instructions, Then let's complete all information of about it and get verify logo very easily.

Setup before submit Facebook page to verify

Before submitting your page for getting a verify logo or badge, you must complete a information of about it, Here i mention some useful things which should be completed by you before submission to verify.
  • Complete all Information on your Page.

  • Your Page must have above 20K Likes.

  • Also select the right category and sub category,

  • Give an official website link also email.
  • Page should be always or daily updating.
  • Add a Facebook like a box in Your website.
  • Use Facebook ads service for Better result.
  • Don't share any spamming content on your page.
  • Mention all description of your services briefly.
  • Government-issued photo ID or articles of incorporation

Note - Your Business not verifying yet, So wait for some days for Business Page.

Submission Link To send Facebook Page for Verify

Recently, Facebook public a link where we can send our fan page request for verifying another all personal and also business, Then just send your request after complete information and get verify logo and enjoy.

1- First go to 

2 - After going there,  Now you will see like below screen shoot.

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Link For Verify Facebook Page for Get Logo image photo

3 - Just Give your Fan Page and official site's link and Identity card.

4 - After send, you will get a confirmation popup for Submission.

5 - After some time you will get a response from the team.

What i Do If Facebook Verify Page request If Not Accepted 

Unfortunately, if your Facebook Fan page request was deign by team, then don't worry, just wait for 2 week, and watch carefully or find out any uncompleted part of your page, Increase more likes and updated daily and increase people reach on your post. Then resend it to team for get verify. Don't send quickly means in a week, so wait some time and follow these instructions and enjoy.

If you have any question on Facebook Page verification

We hope, we are cleared all questions which grow up in this process, by the way, if you have any question which we are not cleared or any issue then just comment below. We will trying to update your reply as well as soon, Thanks for the visit and keep it for more new updates of Facebook.

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